Barreras |
Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. |
09-00-1790 |
Baca |
Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. |
09-00-1790 |
Baca |
Baca, Rafael. Advises Maynez of robber of Zunis by Apaches and navajoses. |
08-07-1815 |
Bacca |
Bacca, Francisco Manuel de. Commission of Thome Dominguez as captain and cabo. |
12-15-1636 |
Baurer de Almejada |
Bachiller Andres Baurer de Almejada, Cura y Juez Eclesiastico. Vecinos de San Joseph de Parral. Peticion a parte de vecinos San Joseph para... |
00-00-1733 |
Berreta |
Bachiller Andres Baurer de Almejada, Cura y Juez Eclesiastico. Vecinos de San Joseph de Parral. Peticion a parte de vecinos San Joseph para... |
00-00-1733 |
Belaunzaran |
Bachiller Ignacio Diaz Feliz to Juan Baptista de Belaunzaran letter concerning 1740 Indian rebellion. |
06-13-1740 |
Benites |
Back pay solicited by captain and men of presidio at Bahia del Espiritu Santo. |
12-20-1719 |
Berdugo Davila |
Back pay solicited by captain and men of presidio at Bahia del Espiritu Santo. |
12-20-1719 |
Baldarrain |
Balderrain requests retirement after snakebite, also asks for financial help. |
11-25-1785 |
Baldarrain |
Balderrain requests retirement after snakebite, also asks for financial help. |
11-25-1785 |
Baldes |
Baldes, Joseph. Civil suit against Matheo Salazar for debt, which governor orders to be paid. |
03-18-1775 |
Balencia |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Ballesteros |
Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders... |
00-00-1806 |
Berretoran |
Balthasar Rauch al padre provincial Juan Antonio de Oviedo. Two letters concerning Tarahumara province. |
10-14-1730 |
Bustamante |
Balthasar, Trujillo (capitan). Petition to governor for justice against Apache Indians for stealing his cattle. |
05-17-1722 |
Bueno |
Balthasar, Trujillo (capitan). Petition to governor for justice against Apache Indians for stealing his cattle. |
05-17-1722 |
Bueno de Bohorques y Corcuera |
Balthasar, Trujillo (capitan). Petition to governor for justice against Apache Indians for stealing his cattle. |
05-17-1722 |
Bastillo |
Balthazar de Antieros. expediente sobre indios Tarahumares. |
03-16-1651 |
Balverde y Cosio |
Balverde y Cosio, Antonio to Penuela, Marques de la. Autos y respond to the actions of the Apaches. |
10-13-1710 |
Balverde |
Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. |
02-04-1763 |
Borrego |
Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. |
02-04-1763 |
Barzia |
Barbara Garzia. Proceedings to recover animal and other debts owed to the deceased husband of Barbara Garzia. |
11-08-1762 |
Barela |
Barela, Pedro to Gonsales Baz, Juan. Peticion to requesting permission to take herds to range away from town and to stay with them. |
01-30-1736 |
Barela |
Barela, Pedro to Gonsales Baz, Juan. Peticion to requesting permission to take herds to range away from town and to stay with them. |
01-30-1736 |
Bargas Zapata y Lujan |
Bargas Zapata y Lujan, Diego de (gobernador). Power of attorney to Juan Gonzalez Calderon to tend to properties in Spain. |
02-28-1692 |
Bargas |
Bargas, Antonio and Chacon, Fernando. Service record of Antonio Bargas. |
12-00-1804 |
Bargas |
Bargas, Antonio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Cover letter transmitting a report on the campaign equipment of Santa Fee presidio. |
07-24-1805 |
Bargas |
Bargas, Antonio. A report on the number of fire arms of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
12-31-1803 |
Bargas |
Bargas, Antonio. Report on the campaign equipment belonging to Santa Fee presidio. |
07-24-1805 |
Bargas |
Bargas, Antonio. Report on the gunpowder supply of Santa Fee presidio. |
12-31-1803 |
Bucareli |
Baron de Ripperda (gobernador de Texas). Extractos de cartas entre el gobernador de la provincia de Texas y el de la Luisiana, sobre la... |
12-07-1773 |
Bucareli |
Baron de Ripperda to Teodoro de Croix. |
04-27-1777 |
Barragan |
Barragan proposes candidates to fill vacant posts of 5a compania del cuerpo de caballeria de fronteras. |
12-31-1805 |
Barragan |
Barragan requests promotion to rank of coronel. Barragan's role in war against insurgents and for restoration of monarchy. |
05-19-1810 |
Barragan |
Barragan requests that cuerpo de cavalleria de frontera is granted use of military insignia and standards as reward for loyal service.... |
08-14-1805 |
Barreda |
Barreda, Domingo de la. Diego de Vargas dresses up for pronouncement. |
06-14-1696 |
Barrera |
Barrera describes investigation of administrator of tobaccos of Texas and requests reimbursement for expenses during this investigation. |
05-09-1807 |
Braun |
Bartolome Braun, Francisco Weiss, Juan Cubedo, Sebastian Ascarraga. Cuatro cartas al padre Francisco Zevallos. |
00-00-1766 |
Braun |
Bartolome Braun. Copy of Truxillo's letter defending himself against various charges of misconduct. |
05-26-1765 |
Basquez Borrego |
Basquez Borrego, Diego. Criminal case against Juan Esteban Trujillo for wounding Diego Basquez Borrego. |
06-01-1769 |
Basquez Borrego |
Basquez Borrego, Diego. Litigation between Diego Basquez Borrego and Juan Ygnacio Mestas for cattle owed to Borrego. |
12-11-1771 |
Baez de Rivas |
Bathazar de Suniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza. Que los capitanes den los auxilios necesarios al padre Olivares. |
12-28-1716 |
Baus |
Baus, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. notice of loss of San Phelipe. |
06-10-1696 |
Baus |
Baus, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. Report of situation and request for more troops. |
06-00-1696 |
Bazan |
Bazan, Ygnacio Ricardo to Manrique, Jose. Acknowledgement of receipt of copies of the resolutions of the viceroy and the ordenador - not... |
07-04-1810 |
Bazquez Borrego |
Bazquez' testimonio concerns auto governing grazing site use near Coahuila capitol, 1753. |
04-07-1753 |
Barreda y Eboa |
Bazquez' testimonio concerns auto governing grazing site use near Coahuila capitol, 1753. |
04-07-1753 |
Bega y Coca |
Bega y Coca, Miguel de la (capitan - alcalde mayor). Order releasing Aynes de Armijo into custody of her father. |
10-07-1724 |
Bega y Coca |
Bega y Coca, Miguel de la (capitan - alcalde mayor). Power of attorney granted to Manuel de la Canal. |
04-02-1725 |