Martin, Pedro. Trial for rape.
Santa Fee, rio arriva, Durango. N.d. 57 pages. Diligencias. Original. Signed. Dct October 13, 1812 - September 7, 1813.
Juana Getrudis Baca accuses Pedro Martin of having lured her away from her home through a trick to a secluded place, and raping her. Martin admits having carnal knowledge of Baca, but insists that she was a willing partner in the act, that it was not rape. In the ensuing proceedings it is alleged that Baca, who is married, had been having illicit relationships a severe reprimand and is required to pay the costs of the suit. (Lloyd Kendall) (1980)
Martin, Pedro
Alari, Juan (Escrivano)
Cruz Quintana, Jose de la (Teniente)
Baca, Juana Getrudis
Garcia, Manuel (Alcalde Mayor)
Ortis, Anttonio (Cavo Primero)
Sisneros, Valtazar
Baldez, Juaquin
Sisneros, Bartolo
Tafoya, Esteban
Martin, Josef
Borrego, Rafael
Cardenas, Bentura
Martin, Juan Domingo
Manrrique, Josef (Gobernador Ynterino) (Teniente Coronel)
Lucero, Maria Encarnacion
Romero, Diego
Garcia, Juan
Bernal, Jose Ramon
Elias Gonzales, Ygnacio (Teniente Segundo) (Juez Comisionado)
Montano, Vicente (Alferez)
Martin, Josefa
Martin, Estevan
Hernandez, Maria Paula
Lujan, Ysidora
Martin, Asencio
Ortiz, Juan
Gutierrez, Jose Maria
Lena, Manuel (Armero)
Garcia de la Mora, Jose
Martina, Paula
Rodriguez, Jose
Quintana, Jose Maria
Ortiz, Jose Miguel
Carmen, Maria del
Cota (Soldado)
Bracho, Rafael (Licenciado)
Santa Fee (Villa)
Rio Arriva (Plaza) (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Cruz de la Canada
San Antonio (Plaza)
San Francisco (Plaza)
La Canada (Jurisdiccion) (Villa)
Abajo (Plaza)
Zonora (Provincia)
Belen (Puesto)
Alburquerque (Villa)
Abajo (Plaza)
San Rafael (Plaza)
Abichie (Pueblo)
San Antonio (Plaza)
First Location
AZU Film 2182 rl. 17 fr. 0573-0629.
Original Location
SANM, Santa Fe, Span.Arch. 1621-1821, rl. 017 ff. 0573-0629.
Twitchell Vol. II, no. 2464.
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