Browse by date

Title/Descriptionsort ascending Location Date
Apple United States, Colorado 1912-08-23
Apple United States, Colorado 1912-08-24
Apache teepee, soil alkali United States, Arizona 1921-06-03
Apache Indians United States, Arizona, Coolidge Dam 1932-06-05
Apache Indians United States, Arizona 1932-06-05
Apache Indian hogan United States, Arizona, Coolidge Dam 1932-06-05
Apache Indian hogan United States, Arizona, Coolidge Dam 1932-06-05
Apache hogan United States, Arizona 1932-06-05
Antennaria, Grama, Yellow Pine United States, Arizona, Grand View 1918-07-25
Antennaria, Grama, Yellow Pine United States, Arizona, Grand View 1918-07-25
Antennaria, Bouteloua gracilis, Oak United States, Arizona, Grand View 1918-07-25
Antennaria United States, Arizona, Kaibab, V.T. Ranch 1929-06-28
Ant hill, huts Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-02-09
Ant Hill United States, Colorado 1916-07-22
Ant Hill United States, Colorado 1916-07-22
Ant hill Zambia, Kafue River 1919-11-20
Ant hill United States, Utah 1925-09-21
Anogra, Sporobolus airoides United States, Utah 1926-06-08
Anogra Sand Creek United States, Colorado 1915-08-16
Annual salicornia United States, Utah 1912-08-06
Annona with ants nest South Africa, Mpumalanga 1919-10-18
Andropogon veg., Erigeron United States, Maryland 1917-01-14
Andropogon scoparius, Andropogon hallii United States, New Mexico 1916-10-07
Andropogon overgrown gun mounting Tanzania 1920-03-27
Andropogon only where favored, and in succession stages, Dup. P-7-1908 United States, Colorado 1940-06-15
Andropogon only where favored, and in succession stages United States, Colorado 1940-06-15
Andropogon only where favored, and in succession stages United States, Colorado 1940-06-15
Andropogon only where favored, and in succession stages United States, Colorado 1940-06-15
Andropogon hallii, etc. United States, Colorado 1914-07-17
Andropogon Hallii United States, Colorado 1911-09-13
Andropogon and trees Tanzania 1920-03-28
Andropogon United States, New Mexico 1917-11-28
Andropogon Tanzania 1920-03-28
Andropogon Tanzania 1920-03-28
Andropogen scoparius, Andropogon hallii United States, New Mexico 1916-10-07
Andropogen scoparius, Andropogon hallii United States, New Mexico 1916-10-07
Andropogen scoparius, Andropogon hallii United States, New Mexico 1916-10-07
Anarcardium occidentale Mozambique 1919-10-25
An old tree Tanzania 1920-04-08
An old door Tanzania 1920-04-05
An ant highway Tanzania 1920-03-27
American elm at New Willard [Hotel] United States, District of Columbia 1910-10-17
American elm at New Willard [Hotel] United States, District of Columbia 1910-10-17
American elm at New Willard [Hotel] United States, District of Columbia 1910-10-17
American elm at New Willard [Hotel] United States, District of Columbia 1910-10-17
Amaranthus retroflexus United States, Colorado 1912-09-18
Amaranthus retroflexus United States, Colorado 1912-09-18
Amaranthus retroflexus United States, Colorado 1912-09-18
Amaranthus Burundi 1920-03-21
Alternations of Sporobolus, Covillea United States, New Mexico 1916-10-06
