Browse by date

Title/Descriptionsort descending Location Date
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-17
Veg. at back, Ironwood, Opuntia United States, Arizona 1921-05-26
Veg. from road United States, Utah 1912-05-29
Veg. in Blowout United States, Colorado 1915-08-17
Veg. in Blowout, same as 1949-286 United States, Colorado, Dodd's Blowout 1953-06-27
Veg. in desert here Mexico, Sonora 1932-03-05
Veg. in sand hills United States, New Mexico, White Sands 1916-10-11
Veg. inside, outside fence United States, Colorado, Seven Lakes 1949-07-03
Veg. of big fan, between Roy and Lewistown United States, Montana 1918-08-11
Veg. of big fan, between Roy and Lewistown United States, Montana 1918-08-11
Veg. of cactus garden United States, Arizona 1932-08-26
Veg. of Dodd's Rd. fire guard United States, Colorado 1915-08-18
Veg. of field, oaks in back United States, Arizona, Fort Huachuca 1933-09-28
Veg. of field, oaks in back United States, Arizona, Fort Huachuca 1933-09-28
Veg. of gully and Mts. United States, Arizona, Ajo Mts. 1934-02-04
Veg. on bad contouring United States, Colorado 1941-06-08
Veg. on flat prairie, once pure bunch grass, SE of Lindleys blow out. United States, Colorado 1940-06-12
Veg. on prairie United States, Kansas 1922-10-07
Veg. showing association United States, Utah 1913-08-28
Veg. typical of high plains United States, New Mexico 1916-10-08
Vegetation United States, Colorado 1914-07-17
Vegetation United States, Colorado 1915-08-16
Vegetation United States, Utah 1915-08-25
Vegetation United States, Utah, Thompsons 1915-08-26
Vegetation South Africa, Western Cape, Buffeljagts 1919-08-29
Vegetation South Africa, Eastern Cape, Tankatara 1919-09-03
Vegetation South Africa, Eastern Cape 1919-09-05
Vegetation South Africa, Eastern Cape, Bushman's River 1919-09-12
Vegetation South Africa, Eastern Cape 1919-09-13
Vegetation South Africa, Northern Cape 1919-09-14
Vegetation South Africa, Northern Cape 1919-09-15
Vegetation United States, Arizona, Picacho Peak 1935-03-17
Vegetation United States, Arizona, Picacho Peak 1935-03-17
Vegetation - Panorama United States, Colorado, Pikes Peak 1913-08-20
Vegetation at Keno Bay Mexico, Sonora 1931-12-09
Vegetation at Keno Bay Mexico, Sonora 1931-12-09
Vegetation labeled United States, New Mexico, Raton Pass 1917-11-24
Vegetation named in desert and mt. shot United States, Arizona 1934-02-02
Vegetation named of grasses, Hill Mexico, Sonora 1931-12-06
Vegetation named, desert Mexico, Sonora 1932-03-05
