Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Zapata Concerning soldiers in service of missions. 12-31-1772
Zendejas Concerning supply of lanzas to milicias of Michoacan. 05-22-1784
Zolorzano Concerning supply of lanzas to milicias of Michoacan. 05-22-1784
Zelaya Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Zozaya Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Zepeda Concerns auto -trial- against de la Garza by Ramon. 08-25-1787
Zalasar Concerns colonization of San Miguel, wages of N.A. and I.P. Santiago y Castillo. 06-04-1761
Zuniga Concerns compensation for members of Nuevo Mexico military. 08-04-1816
Zicate Concerns dealing with Indians after reconquest of Nayarit. 01-02-1724
Zuniga Concerns establishment and general conditions in San Fernando. 07-11-1750
Zuniga y Guzman Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of... 06-16-1716
Zuzuarregui Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Zuzuarregui Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Zamora Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Zalasar Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Zuzuarregui Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Zuniga Continuation of serial 19700012, oficiales de nueva creacion y providencias, etc. concerning establishment of new presidios of Janos, San... 06-19-1779
Zubiate Contra Luis Munis. Por haviendo dado golpes a Joseph Zubiate. 05-08-1762
Zuluaga Controversial treasury payment by Pedro de Nava to teniente Zuluaga 01-21-1803
Zacatecas Copied informes from archbishop in San Luis Potosi concerning establishment of missions in Nuevo Santander and Provincias Internas. 11-15-1772
Zoto Copies of letters dealing primarily with necessity of improving defense along Texas border against threat of U.S. aggression. 04-24-1809
Zozaya Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Zurdo Correspondence and diary by Cuellar concerning one of his military campaigns against Indians. 06-08-1769
Zevallos Correspondence between Arredondo, Lopez, and Adam concerning Indian hostilities in Coahuila. 02-17-1816
Zapato Tuerto Correspondence between authors re: peace with lipiyan capitan, incl. diary. 05-02-1788
Zamora y Soler Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Zuniga Ontiveros Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Zoto Correspondence between Bonavia and Yraeta regarding border defense of Texas, requiring U.S. citizens to carry passports, and Spanish... 03-12-1810
Zuviaur Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. 00-00-1750
Zario Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790
Zencienos Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790
Zuazua y Muxica Correspondence between Escandon and Marques de Altamira concerning the preparation of the colonization of the seno Mexicano 06-07-1748
Zuzuarregui Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767
Zozaya Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. 02-25-1782
Zozaya Correspondence between Lorca and the viceroy regarding Lorca's application for a new post within the government of either Mexico,... 02-07-1787
Zamora Lancero Correspondence between Lorca y Villena and virrey re: Serano request for mission in San Carlos. 07-20-1774
Zubia Marti Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions. 00-00-1781
Zayetano Pinedas Correspondence between Munoz and others to virrey regarding Indian raids and subsequent military response. 03-01-1790
Zapato Sas Correspondence between Munoz and virrey regarding developments with and activities of Indians in Texas. 09-01-1790
Zubia Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 01-08-1794
Zuniga Correspondence between Nava, Conde del Campo de Alange, and virrey concerning diverse military, fiscal, and administrative affairs. 07-16-1793
Zerda Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
Zendeja Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Zuela Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. 00-00-1758
Zuniga Correspondence between Rengel and virrey regarding several financial and administrative matters. 08-18-1785
Zambrano Correspondence between Salcedo and Zambrano concerning capture of insurgents. 03-19-1810
Zambrano Correspondence between Salcedo and Zambrano concerning capture of insurgents. 03-19-1810
Zepeda Correspondence between Tovar and Castro concerning battle against Lipanes. 07-30-1791
Zeballo Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June,... 02-05-1771
Zuluaga Correspondence between Ugarte and Flores concerning military officials appointments. 00-00-1789
