Urrutia |
Pronouncements of the junta general |
09-16-1699 |
Ursino |
Pronouncements of the junta general |
09-16-1699 |
Uribe y Casttejon |
Pronouncements of junta general concerning Coahuilan missions and responses to them. |
03-25-1704 |
Urrutia |
Pronouncements of junta general concerning Coahuilan missions |
06-24-1704 |
Uribe y Casttejon |
Pronouncements of junta general concerning Coahuilan missions |
06-24-1704 |
Urrutia |
Pronouncements of junta general |
07-28-1706 |
Uribe |
Pronouncements of junta general |
09-09-1705 |
Ugartechea |
Promotion granted to three individuals in compania Volante de Parras and three individuals of compania de caballeria de San Carlos. |
10-08-1818 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Promotion Garcia Cano and others in Chihuahua compania Volante. |
12-22-1789 |
Urrutia |
Promotion Garcia Cano and others in Chihuahua compania Volante. |
12-22-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Prohibition of usury of artisans and laborers. |
02-07-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Prohibition of employees of renta reales de indies from engaging in private enterprise or commerce for personal gain. |
08-06-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Procurement of religious goods for Capilla. |
02-04-1795 |
Urena |
Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment... |
01-01-1790 |
Ugalde |
Proceedings concerning the rights of citizens to unbranded cattle. |
06-15-1789 |
Ubaldo |
Proceedings against Pena for murder of Indians and eventual proof of innocence. |
06-28-1786 |
Ugalde |
Proceedings against Alferez Juan de Casteneda for having married without a license |
00-00-1777 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Proceedings against Alferez Juan de Casteneda for having married without a license |
00-00-1777 |
Uribe |
Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic |
05-29-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic |
05-29-1787 |
Ugarte |
Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic |
05-29-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Printed published list of regulation and procedures to be followed by commanders of provincias del Oriente and Occidente, dealing with... |
08-26-1786 |
Ugalde |
Printed published list of regulation and procedures to be followed by commanders of provincias del Oriente and Occidente, dealing with... |
08-26-1786 |
Urrutia |
Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. |
09-25-1735 |
Urrutia |
Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. |
09-25-1735 |
Urrutia |
Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. |
09-25-1735 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
por via de gratificacion, pague doble sueldo de comandante inspector as coronel don Joseph Rengel |
08-24-1786 |
Urrutia |
Por orden del Marquez de Ripperda (gobernador de la provincia de Texas). Resumen historico de la provincia de Texas. |
AR-RA-N.D. |
Ugalde |
por la carta de v.e. de 28 de noviembre proximo pasado veo se ha servido aprovar las determinaciones que tome . . . . |
12-27-1792 |
Urtisaustogui |
Por Francisco de Urtisaustegui al padre provincial. Haviendome dejado por albacea del difunto don Francisco de Aguirre. |
45-98-N.D. |
Urquizu |
Por el testimonio que paso a las superiores manos de v.e. se impondia su justificasion de las providencias que he dictado en el expediente... |
08-18-1794 |
Urrutia |
Por el padrepresidente Benito Fernandez de Santa Ana al senor virrey. Prtende la conversion de los Apaches y pandes. |
05-16-1745 |
Urrea |
Population census, agricultural and mine conditions of San Ildephonso de la Cieneguilla. |
12-25-1775 |
Ugarte |
Poder para el pagamiento de los soldados del presidio de Santa Fe. |
12-31-1741 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
pie de lista de la compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander con expresion de individuos, y su haver annual |
03-02-1784 |
Ugalde |
Petitions to viceroy to give certain rights to new town founded in Santander province including city chart. |
04-00-1734 |
Uribarri |
Petition to keep Cuerbo y Valdes as gobernador of New Mexico by Indian nations. |
01-06-1707 |
Ugarte |
Peticion for widows pension |
08-27-1790 |
Urbanesa |
Peticion de los Tarahumares pidiendo la expulsion de los indios Conchos del pueblo de Banonoyagua. |
01-05-1640 |
Ugalde |
Perez Florez requests retirement because of illness and old age. |
08-04-1807 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Perez Florez requests retirement because of illness and old age. |
08-04-1807 |
Uribarri |
Penuela, Marques de la to Madrid, Roque. Order, relative to the military expedition against the navajos - rules of conduct. . |
12-08-1709 |
Uribarri |
Penuela, Marques de la (gobernador) to los oficiales de Santa Fee, Santa Cruz, San Philipe de Alburquerque.. Mandamiento |
03-16-1710 |
Urtado |
Penuela, Marques de la (gobernador) to los oficiales de Santa Fee, Santa Cruz, San Philipe de Alburquerque.. Mandamiento |
03-16-1710 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Penalties for military desertion. |
06-23-1789 |
Ulibarri |
Pedro Martin. Causa criminal de oficio de la real justicia contra Pedro de la Cruz indio por haver intentado. |
02-22-1747 |
Unanues |
Pedro Martin. Causa criminal de oficio de la real justicia contra Pedro de la Cruz indio por haver intentado. |
02-22-1747 |
Ulubari |
Pedro Maria de Allande-to-Manuel Uluburi. |
06-10-1818 |
Urrutia |
Pedro de Oconitrillo vs. canary islanders. Countercharges in response to accusations by canary islanders in October of 1744. |
00-00-1745 |
Urtezabel |
Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Communication of royal order re: sentences of officers who surrendered Trinidad... |
03-20-1800 |