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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Runioa Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ramires Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ramires Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ratero Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ruiz Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Rocha Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Rodriquez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ramon Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Rodriquez Vidal Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Reuilla Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Real Alencaster Theodoro Alcina (fray). note to governor sending copies of documents received from the office of inquisition and governor's note... 04-09-1808
Rosa Theniente general Juan de Basoco. Criminal contra Xavier Mendes for hiding Indian girl in his house. 06-00-1744
Revilla Gigeda The widow of the governor of Nuevo Santander, don Vizente Gonzalez de Santianez, requested his back pay from the time of his illness. 04-18-1791
Rael de Aguilar The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rael de Aguilar The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ruiz The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rivera The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rodriguez The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rico de Rojas The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rodelo The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rodriguez The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ramires The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ruiz Cordero The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rivera The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ramirez The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Ramires de Salasar The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Romero The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Ramirez The king real cedula concerning payment stipends to missionaries. 06-02-1701
Rodrigues Testimony taken by Gonzales and letters from Echeagaray to Castro concerning illness and activity of Serna. 05-01-1792
Real de Aguilar Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Regreiros Testimony of junta de guerra convened for the establishment of the presidio of Buenavista. 02-16-1765
Rodriguez Gallardo Testimony of junta de guerra convened for the establishment of the presidio of Buenavista. 02-16-1765
Rodrigues Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Ramos Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Ruis Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Robleda Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Romero Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Romo de Vera Joseph Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Ribera Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Rendon Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Retana Testimonios de autos hechos sobre la guerra contra los Tarahumaras. 01-02-1697
Ramirez Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
Rubio Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
Ramirez Testimonios by Escandon, Fragoso detail Spanish biographies and Indian conversion information from Reynosa 1753. 01-13-1753
Rios Testimonios by Escandon, Fragoso detail Spanish biographies and Indian conversion information from Reynosa 1753. 01-13-1753
Resaval Testimonio sobre varios asuntos- problema indiana en la region de Parral, localizacion de actividades misioneras de la S.J., etc. 08-30-1698
Resabal Testimonio sobre una expedicion de Resaval a la Pimaria. 06-00-1699
Rubiate Testimonio sobre una expedicion de Resaval a la Pimaria. 06-00-1699
Resaval Testimonio sobre la rebelion de los Tarahumaras y Pimas. 00-00-1699
Retana Testimonio sobre la rebelion de los Tarahumaras y Pimas. 00-00-1699
