Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Virrey(?) and Mata concerning auditing of Barrio and remittance of silver to diputados. |
05-19-1773 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about bando prohibiting gambling. |
02-25-1772 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Virrey(?), Queipo de Llano & menocal about Barrio affair, bando publication, menocal's interim status. |
10-17-1770 |
Quipo de Lana |
Letter of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli with related letter of Dominguez and Quipo de Lana(?) |
04-16-1773 |
Quiroga |
Request and report on new methods of spiritual and temporal governing of missions of province and related correspondence |
05-01-1773 |
Queypo de Llano |
Documents from presidio de Carrizal. |
06-20-1774 |
Quixano |
Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries |
02-17-1783 |
Quijas |
Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
05-25-1787 |
Quijas |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Quijas |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
10-26-1788 |
Quijas |
Series of letters from officers to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1768 |
Quijas |
Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. |
04-07-1788 |
Quijas |
Oficios and others sent to Vidal and Serna from Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
01-22-1786 |
Quijas |
Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1784 |
Quijas |
Letters from Ugalde to detachment commanders and officials of primera compania. |
08-00-1788 |
Quijas |
Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. |
04-30-1788 |
Quijano |
Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. |
04-30-1788 |
Quijas |
Lists, service records of officers from Vidal concerning military personnel. |
10-00-1743 |
Quijas |
Lists, relaciones from Vidal containing information on members of primera compania del Nuevo Santander. |
00-00-1787 |
Quixas |
Quaderno que comprende los borradores de oficios passados del capitan... |
11-29-1786 |
Quixas |
Legaxo numero 17 que comprende la correspondencia de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia de Nuevo Santander con la extinguida... |
10-30-1786 |
Quijar |
Extracto general del ano 1791 de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander. |
01-01-1791 |
Quijas |
Extracto general de 1792 ano de la segunda compania Volante. |
01-01-1792 |
Quijas |
Hojas de servicio de oficiales, sargentos, y cadete de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander ajustados por fin de... |
12-31-1790 |
Quijas |
Hojas de servicio de oficiales, sargentos, y cadete de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander ajustados por fin de... |
12-31-1791 |
Quixas |
Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. |
None Given |
Quintanilla |
Informe from Serna to Conde relating events and movement of primera compania. |
11-15-1791 |
Quevedo Zevallos |
Letters between Castaneda y Quevedo, Ruis de Guadiana, Nava and others about various administrative matters. |
03-07-1777 |
Quevedo Zevallos |
Letters between Castaneda y Quevedo, Ruis de Guadiana, Nava and others about various administrative matters. |
03-07-1777 |
Quevedo |
Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. |
10-19-1773 |
Quixote de la Mancha |
Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. |
10-19-1773 |
Quintana |
Expediente concerning transfer of military group from Parras to Quatrocienegas. |
00-00-1693 |
Quevedo |
Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. |
05-22-1769 |
Quijas |
Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, |
12-06-1790 |
Quienastfran |
Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. |
10-16-1790 |
Quintanilla |
Nava's correspondence re: Posita and Maniguane hacienda attack; Nuevo Santander military inspection; military personnel and military... |
12-13-1790 |
Quinos |
Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. |
02-27-1791 |
Quirino de Gaztambide |
Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; invalids and retirements; vandos. |
02-27-1791 |
Quintana |
Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; paymaster bankruptcies; Concha's return to Mexico for medical care. |
07-13-1789 |
Quijas |
Revista de la segunda compania Volante de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. |
07-31-1795 |
Quijas |
Military review of segunda compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, diarios and military rolls, 1796. |
01-01-1796 |
Quijada |
Libramentos de Provincias Internas |
04-18-1796 |
Quixas |
Letters to virrey asking permission to retire, to visit Mexico City for cure, and requesting money, weapons and men to fight indians; sent... |
02-01-1796 |
Quihuaneantime |
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. |
02-20-1779 |
Quahacantexamaguea |
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. |
02-20-1779 |
Quemanacare |
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. |
02-20-1779 |
Quetampunique |
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. |
02-20-1779 |
Quebrado |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Janos for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
08-31-1788 |
Quiros |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Carrizal for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
06-23-1791 |
Quiteria |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Carrizal for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
06-23-1791 |