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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Pas Weekly rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for June, July 1772; lists wages; signed by officers or justicias. 06-02-1772
Peres Weekly rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for June, July 1772; lists wages; signed by officers or justicias. 06-02-1772
Peres Weekly rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for June, July 1772; lists wages; signed by officers or justicias. 06-02-1772
Puga Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Puga Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Peres Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Prado Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Puenta Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Peres Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Peres de la Crua Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Pena Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Pizanate Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Perras Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Puga Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Puga Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Peres de la Criox Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Peres de la Cruz Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Perez Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Puente Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Pacheco Wages of Alexo Garcia Conde, mariscal de campo, now governor of Nueva Vizcaya. 10-14-1810
Placido de Monzon Vizente Flores. Proceedings for export of cattle. 07-13-1781
Prado Visita de las misiones de la pimeria. 04-03-1798
Pardinas Villar de Francos Visita by governor of Nueva Viscaya. 06-28-1688
Prestamero Virrey's responses to Corbalan's administrative letters. 10-25-1771
Pol Virrey's responses to Corbalan's administrative letters. 10-25-1771
Picado Pacheco Virrey Valero, al rey. Cartas sobre Nayarit. 04-19-1721
Perez Melero Virrey Marques de Casafuerte, et al. El destacamento de 50 soldados para la provincia de Coaguila. 09-00-1723
Picado Pacheco Virrey Marques de Balero Vice regal discussion concerning reduction of Cocoyomes, repartimiento of Chihuahua Indians. 10-17-1720
Puente Virrey Juan de Acuna. Testimonio de la ceccion de los agostaderos de las misiones de Californias. 10-07-1774
Pena Virrey Juan de Acuna. Testimonio de la ceccion de los agostaderos de las misiones de Californias. 10-07-1774
Pastrana Virrey Horcasitas gobernador, Antonio Mateo de Mendoza, Pedro Coronado, Joseph Saenz Moreno. Don Domingo de Bordemba contra don Rafael... 00-00-1754
Posada Virrey decrees division between comandancia general, informs pertinent functionaries of decision. 09-30-1772
Portocarrero Lazo de la Vega Virrey Conde de Monclova. Tanto del titulo de governador desta provincia de San Francisco de Coaguila y nueva estremadura y de capitan del... 07-13-1687
Pena Virrey casa fuerte, al rey. Una carta. 05-24-1723
Perea Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
Pena Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Padilla Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Padilla Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Pino Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Padilla Vijil, Felipe to Pena, Josef Mariano de la. List of names of persons leaving the jurisdiction. 10-30-1812
Pena Vigil, Juan Ygnacio. Proceedings of claims by Juan Ygnacio Vigil and his uncle Miguel Vigil against estate of Antonio Jose Vigil and... 09-12-1817
Pagasaortundua Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Peru Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Palacios Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Pol Viceroy to Corbalan discusses matters of troops and military personnel in Sonoran presidios. 09-14-1771
Pertua Venta de esclavos. 11-12-1675
Pardinas Venta de esclavo. 01-27-1696
Ponje de Leon Venta de esclavo. 01-04-1674
Perez Venta de esclavo. HU-MA-N.D.
Perez Machargo Venta de esclavo 02-07-1686
