Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Obregon Vargas, Diego de. Description of sacking of pueblo de Nambe. 06-00-1696
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Information about forces in Santa Fe. 06-09-1696
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Olguin Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Ortega Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Olguin Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 02-11-1694
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 02-11-1694
Ortega Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Obregon Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Olguin Vargas, Diego de. Letter of Indian events and uprisings, answer to missionary petition. 03-08-1696
Ojeda Vargas, Diego de. Reception of letter from the governor of San Phelipe. 06-10-1696
Obregon Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Ojedas Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Olguin Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Orttega Monttunes Vargas, Diego de. Report on the extremities in which the settlers find themselves. 03-28-1696
Oliva varias comunicaciones entre el r.p.f. Francisco Garcia Diego, el pe. Felix Caballero, y la junta sobre averiguar el numero e misioneros que... 03-09-1836
Ordaz varias comunicaciones entre el r.p.f. Francisco Garcia Diego, el pe. Felix Caballero, y la junta sobre averiguar el numero e misioneros que... 03-09-1836
Oliva varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Olazagarre varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Ortiz varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Ordaz varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Olasaran Varied procedural military documents such as oficios and acknowledgement of receipt of correspondence, 1795-1796. 08-07-1795
Ontiberos Varios- ocursos sueltos correspondientes al ano de 1648 12-06-1645
Oconor Various documents regarding military and civilian issues within Provincias Internas 04-05-1777
Oconor Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Ontiberos Various documents, in 16 cuadernos, about Indian problems in Nueva Viscaya. 00-00-1621
Ozuain Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Osorio Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Ochoa Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Olguin Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Olivares Various letters of congratulation by officials within Provincias Internas to viceroy Galvez. 07-19-1785
Oconor Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Oribe Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Oconor Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Orendain Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Ocon y Trillo Vecinos de San Fernando de Bexar al gobernador y capitan general. Ex-canary islanders us Pedro de Ocon y Trillo, charging defamation of... 08-12-1749
Ortiz Parrilla Venta de escavo. 03-22-1760
Ortiz Venta de esclavo 04-16-1659
Ortiz de Largacha Venta de esclavo 02-14-1660
Ortiz de Montillano Venta de esclavo 10-19-1661
Ortiz de Montillano Venta de esclavo 12-04-1661
Orta Venta de esclavo. 02-15-1656
Orrobio Bazterra Vezinos of San Fernando to Prudencio de Orrobio Bazierra petition requesting aid due to loss of crops to locusts 06-10-1738
Oviedo Vice provincial Juan Antonio de Oviedo. Carta/informe. 08-13-1747
Ortis Vicente de Sena. Outline of casts of proceedings, concerning attack, by Sena, of Armenta. Testimony of individuals is included. 10-17-1764
Oribe Casttejon Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
Olivan Revolledo Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
