Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Neve Domingo Cabello to Phelipe de Neve. Simple acknowledgement of receipt of order to investigate foreigners rousing discontent among Indians. 08-14-1784
Navarro Freedom of a female slave. 01-25-1785
Neve Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to governor of Texas. Order concerning Ugartey Loyola's appointment as commandant general. 04-20-1786
Navarro Voucher of ammunition and supplies. 04-27-1786
Nebe Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. French trader on the Angelina river. 06-26-1786
Navarro Domingo Cabello to Jacobo de Ugarte y Loyola. Shipment of gifts for friendly Indians and comanches. 06-30-1786
Neve Raphael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (comandante general) recommends removal of Luis Cazorla from duties as captains of La Bahia for... 12-14-1786
Norma Cabildo of San Fernando. Agreement to allow missions to capture and brand cattle in their summer pastures. 01-08-1787
Navarro Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment... 01-01-1790
Navarro Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Governor rejects ayuntamiento elections claiming those elected are unqualified or disrespectful. 01-02-1790
Nava Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola (mariscal de campo). Letter to governor requesting infomration on Indians at peace with Spanish and noting report... 11-02-1790
Navarro Manuel Munoz (gobernador). expediente of charges against Jose Felix Ramon and other citizens for holding a series of unauthorized juntas in... 11-15-1790
Norena Pedro norena (fray). Census for the mission of San Francisco de la Espada. 11-22-1790
Nava Pedro de Nava (comandante general) and Ramon de Castro (comandante general). Copy book of correspondence of comandante Nava and comandante... 12-02-1790
Navarro Copy book of correspondence of governor of Texas, captain of La Bahia and comandante general concerning political affairs and Indian... 03-06-1791
