Jose Dolores |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Janos for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
08-31-1788 |
Juli |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Janos for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
08-31-1788 |
Jose Manuel |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Namiquipa for supplies for pacified indians; supplies for Taraumares auxiliaries. |
08-04-1791 |
Jacinto |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Namiquipa for supplies for pacified indians; supplies for Taraumares auxiliaries. |
08-04-1791 |
Jose |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from presidio del norte for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
02-28-1791 |
Jose |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from presidio del norte for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. |
02-28-1791 |
Jose Maria |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from San Buenaventura for supplies for pacified Indians. |
07-25-1789 |
Juan Diego |
Detailed cuentas of expenses from San Buenaventura for supplies for pacified Indians. |
07-25-1789 |
Juares |
Diaries of Martinez and Diaz sent from Ugarte y Loyola to virrey Florez. |
10-03-1788 |
Jose Antonio |
Diarios and military rolls of tercera compania Volante de cavalleria de Nuevo Santander from 1795. |
07-31-1795 |
Jose Juan |
Diarios and military rolls of tercera compania Volante de cavalleria de Nuevo Santander from 1795. |
07-31-1795 |
Javielillo |
Diarios of Coahuila commanders in O'Conor's general campaign of 1775/1776 |
03-09-1775 |
Jimenez |
Diarios of Coahuila commanders in O'Conor's general campaign of 1775/1776 |
03-09-1775 |
Jose |
Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. |
04-30-1788 |
Juan Antonio |
Diary about abuses, killings, by Pedro Jose and his band. |
05-01-1787 |
Juan Pedro |
Diary and service records submitted by Fuentes. |
01-02-1766 |
Joaquin |
dice que usted puede mandar se agreque la antecedente representacion del subdelegado de San Luis de la Paz. |
05-30-1801 |
Jimenez |
Diego de Vargas (gobernador y capitan general). Permission for capitan Miguel de Sola Cubero to leave kingdom of New Mexico. |
11-28-1703 |
Jorge |
Diego del Castillo. Civil sobre reclamo de una casa. |
10-31-1652 |
Juan |
Diego Guajardo Fajardo gobernador. Tarahumara guerrillos y pago a los aliados indianos. |
09-02-1652 |
Joaquin |
Diego Ortiz Parilla, gobernador. Tercero guaderno de autos de expedicion de guerra sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. |
00-00-1752 |
Jaramillo |
Diego Padilla (fray) to Pedro Rodriguez Cubero (gobernador y capitan general). Petition seeking justice for theft of livestock from Tesuque... |
01-09-1699 |
Juanillo |
Diego Ramon. Declaracion de indio Joseph concerning rebel jumano Indians. |
05-28-1718 |
Jose |
diligencias practicadas para la remision hecha a departamento de San Blas del medio situado correspondiete a los 6 primeros meses del ano... |
09-20-1777 |
Juan Dolores |
diligencias sobre que el alcalde mayor de sayula confirio en su jurisdiccion como 400 lizencias de Fierros para marcar ganados... |
01-01-1778 |
Juchiri |
Dirucaca, Jeronimo. Proceedings in suit for criminal charges including witchcraft and murder. |
05-08-1713 |
Jaramillo |
Discusses contract between Jaramillo and Eshasauer concerning 605 sheep payment for which is 130 sheep and 130 bellones of wool each April... |
10-01-1760 |
Jusepa |
Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... |
11-12-1783 |
Juanes |
Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... |
11-12-1783 |
Julian |
Dispute over water rights |
03-13-1769 |
Jimenez |
Document concerning plans for massive reduccion of peaceful Indians. |
07-22-1772 |
Javier de Valensuela |
Documentos sobre los enemigos acocolames y Cocoyomes. |
05-10-1716 |
James Custer |
Documents concerning american military activities in New Orleans and frontier incidents involving U.S. |
03-14-1809 |
Josen |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Juli |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Jachin |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Joseph El Cautivo |
Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. |
11-24-1788 |
Juares |
Documents concerning military bonus pay. |
06-23-1817 |
Juraqui |
Documents concerning military bonus pay. |
06-23-1817 |
Jasquigoca |
Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. |
09-14-1790 |
Jato |
Documents concerning procurement of rations, especially meat, for Bacoachi Apaches. |
03-28-1789 |
Jose Maria |
Documents concerning purchase of clothing, rations for Bacoachi Apaches. |
12-29-1786 |
Joseph |
Documents concerning purchase of clothing, rations for Bacoachi Apaches. |
12-29-1786 |
Joseph |
Documents concerning raids, plan for next campaign against Apaches. |
07-30-1790 |
Josef |
Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. |
09-10-1790 |
Josef |
Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. |
09-10-1790 |
Juana Maria |
Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. |
09-10-1790 |
Joaquin |
Documents concerning Seri rebellion from reduccion in Pitic. |
07-19-1790 |
Jose Guadalupe |
Documents dealing with escaped Apache prisoners. |
02-08-1789 |
Juarez |
Documents dealing with military appointments, salaries, and pensions. |
10-22-1781 |