Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Herrera Alonso del Rio y Diego Dominguez. Autos sobre Nuevo Mexico. 06-25-1682
Herrera Fr. Joseph Arlegui. Chronica de la provincia de N.S.P.S. Francisco de Zacatecas. 00-00-1737
Herrera Fr. Joseph Arlegui. Chronica de la provincia de N.S.P.S. Francisco de Zacatecas. 00-00-1737
Heredia Fr. Joseph Arlegui. Chronica de la provincia de N.S.P.S. Francisco de Zacatecas. 00-00-1737
Hidalgo Isidro Felis de Espinosa OFM. Chronica apostolica y seraphica de todos los colegios de propaganda fide de esta Nueva Espana de misioneros... 00-00-1746
Hidalgo Juan Domingo Arricivita, OFM. Cronica serafica y apostolica del colegio de propaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro. 00-00-1792
Huitado de Mendoza Fr. Antonio de los Reyes. expediciones por mar y tierra para Conquistar y pacificar esta provincia de Sonora, y costas del mar del sur; y... - -N.D.
Huguitoa Fr. Joseph Soler to the guardian and discretory. 09-01-1768
Horcacitas Fr. Francisco Iturralde. Cartas varias. 00-00-1792
Herran Fr. Francisco Iturralde to the guardian. 12-04-1797
Hurtado Alcaldes mayores (various). Fragments of testimony concerning journey of Jacinto Sanchez to provincia de los Moquis. 00-00-0000
Hozio Hozio, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Advising governor to watch his health. 00-00-0000
Heros Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Autos and testimonies reviewing the events of the Indian uprising in New Mexico. 08-09-1680
Hidalgo Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Autos and testimonies reviewing the events of the Indian uprising in New Mexico. 08-09-1680
Hurtado Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Proceedings of junta de guerra held by Antonio de Otermin reviewing community's complaints of... 04-05-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Proceedings of junta de guerra held by Antonio de Otermin reviewing community's complaints of... 04-05-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Proceeding investigating suspicious activities of the pira and tiguas Indians suspected of plotting... 07-05-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando to make up list of vassals obligated to military service to crown and following list of names and... 09-08-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list of vassels obligated to supply horses and arms to crown and compiled list. 09-15-1681
Holguin Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list of vassels obligated to supply horses and arms to crown and compiled list. 09-15-1681
Haballos Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list of vassels obligated to supply horses and arms to crown and compiled list. 09-15-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list be prepared of those vassals not fulfilling their military obligations, and, the... 09-20-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Register of soldiers and militia recruited for reconquest effort for New Mexico. 09-22-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Register of soldiers and militia recruited for reconquest effort for New Mexico. 09-22-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio (gobernador). Bando ordering interrogation of survivors of revolt in New Mexico and responses from five interviews and two... 10-20-1681
Hechabes Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Governor's order for muster roll of soldiers for the reconquest both Spaniard and Indian, and the... 11-07-1681
Herrera Otermin, Antonio (gobernador). Collection of testimony of Indians of New Mexico suspected of consipiracy and autos ordering enlistment of... 07-19-1683
Hurtado Otermin, Antonio (gobernador). Collection of testimony of Indians of New Mexico suspected of consipiracy and autos ordering enlistment of... 07-19-1683
Herrera Jironsa Petris de Crusate, Domingo (gobernador). Bando for arrest of sergeant Sebastian de Herrera for desertion. 03-17-1684
Herrera . List of families sent from Mexico as colonist for newly recovered New Mexico. 09-03-1693
Hurtado Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Hidalgo Vargas y Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Detailed journal of reconquest of New Mexico, tracing movements, encounters... 10-07-1693
Herrer Vargas, Diego de. Report of locating stolen corn and the arrest of an Indian. 06-17-1696
Herrera Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Hurtado Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Herrera Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Hardiendo Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Hrusillo Antonio Sisneros to Diego Arias de Quiros (alcalde ordinario). Civil suit by Antonio Sisneros (capitan) against Lorenzo Madrid (maestre de... 04-17-1697
Hernandes Diego Arias de Quiros (capitan-alcalde ordinario). Criminal proceedings against Nicolas Ramires for theft and homicide. 06-04-1697
Herrera Juana de Arguello to Diego Arias de Quiros (alcalde ordinario). Suit by Juana de Arguello against Ana Maria and Ysabel de Herrera. 08-17-1697
Herrera Juana de Arguello to Diego Arias de Quiros (alcalde ordinario). Suit by Juana de Arguello against Ana Maria and Ysabel de Herrera. 08-17-1697
Hurtado Pedro Rodriquez Cubero (gobernador y capitan general) to Luis Granillo (maestro de campo). Order for seizure of cattle belonging to general... 08-10-1698
Heniguinoe Juan Griego, Joseph Sacambe, et al, tegua Indians to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition for redress of action against them by former... 03-00-1703
Hurtado Diego de Vargas (gobernador y capitan general). Permission for capitan Miguel de Sola Cubero to leave kingdom of New Mexico. 11-28-1703
Herrera Sandoval Thomas de Herrera Sandoval to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition asking for custody of child in service of Bartolome sanches. 02-14-1704
Herrera Thomas de Herrera Sandoval to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition asking for custody of child in service of Bartolome sanches. 02-14-1704
Holguin Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Order sending capitan Francisco de Valdes sorribas with reinforcements to troops... 04-00-1706
Herrera Juan Roque Gutierrez (maestro de campo). Junta of guerra held on way to province of Moqui. 10-04-1706
Hurtado Cuerbo y Valdez, Fransisco. Council of war. 05-18-1707
Hurtado Madrid, Roque. notification of compliance with an order. 08-14-1707
