Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Huerta Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials 09-20-1775
Huidobro Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Henriquez de Solega Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Herrera Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Hijosa Correspondence of comisarios of San Blas with viceroy concerning rebuilding and relocation of several departmental structures. 05-13-1768
Hervias Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776
Hijosa Correspondence of Bucareli to Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, for July - December 1777. 00-00-1776
Hijosa Correspondence from viceroy to various military officers about expedition to Sonora. 04-01-1767
Hijosa Correspondence from the comisario del departamento de San Blas, Hijosa, to viceroy Bucareli for July 1777. 03-16-1775
Hijosa Correspondence from the comisario del departamento de San Blas, Hijosa, to viceroy Bucareli for July 1777. 03-16-1775
Hezeta Correspondence from the comisario del departamento de San Blas, Hijosa, to viceroy Bucareli for July 1777. 03-16-1775
Hijosa Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778
Herrera Correspondence from Nava to virrey regarding procedural matters such as defense of northern borders. 12-29-1795
Hijosa Correspondence from Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for September - Oct., 1777. 04-05-1773
Hezeta Correspondence from Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for September - Oct., 1777. 04-05-1773
Hezeta Correspondence from Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for September - Oct., 1777. 04-05-1773
Hijosa Correspondence from Hijosa to viceroy concerning opinions on three matters of concern to the departmento of San Blas. 12-10-1771
Hurtado de Mendoza Correspondence from gobernador to virrey, 1762, and testimony regarding correo. 02-15-1762
Huandurraga Correspondence from Corbalan to virrey concerning various aspects of provincial administration. 01-04-1772
Hijosa Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Herrera Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Hernandez Correspondence concerning tlaxcaltecan Jose Carlos Rubalcaba who intended to crown himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-27-1771
Herrera y Cuzart Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Hererra Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Herrera y Davila Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Hijosa Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Herrera Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Hijosa Correspondence concerning roof repairs to houses of treasurer and accountant of San Blas. 04-01-1793
Herrera Correspondence concerning roof repairs to houses of treasurer and accountant of San Blas. 04-01-1793
Herrera Correspondence concerning request by surgeon Ramirez for financial assistance. 12-07-1789
Hijosa Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Herrera Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Hixosa Correspondence concerning payments to sailors performing servicios extraordinarios. 10-06-1791
Hierro Correspondence concerning military fiscal affairs. 12-12-1767
Herrera Correspondence concerning military fiscal affairs. 12-12-1767
Hijosa Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Hierro Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Hezeta Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Huasque Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Herrera Correspondence concerning Lavastida's request to return to Spain to recuperate. 07-29-1794
Hierro Correspondence concerning fiscal affairs in Coahuila. 09-10-1772
Hombre Correspondence concerning financing of war against Indians and rebels in northern provinces. 04-15-1815
Herrera Correspondence concerning finances of widow of brigadier. 05-15-1793
Hernandez Correspondence concerning establishment of mission and pueblo among the pame Indians of Xichu. 04-24-1800
Hezeta Correspondence concerning employment, delivery of food to Californias and Loreto, and war against England. 03-06-1780
Hughes Correspondence concerning employment, delivery of food to Californias and Loreto, and war against England. 03-06-1780
Hurtado Correspondence concerning demands by Arredondo to receive proper personal mass. 02-18-1794
Herrera Correspondence concerning construction of 'presa' at Helguera mission. 01-15-1798
Hierro Correspondence concerning collection and use of 'rentas' and 'alcavalas.' 00-00-1787
Hierro Correspondence concerning civil-military fiscal matters. 00-00-1767
