Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Heraclio Zaenz El r.p. Fr. Rafael de Benavides, vice custodio de las misiones del Nuevo Mexico... 08-18-1787
Horcasitas El r.p. Fr. Rafael de Benavides, vice custodio de las misiones del Nuevo Mexico... 08-18-1787
Herrera Anos de 1779 a 84, expediente sobre los costos de los benados dirigidos a S.M. por el comandante general de Provincias Internas con d.... 12-30-1779
Herrera expediente formado a ynstancia de don Joaquin Lain Herrero, Alferez de las milicias del Nuevo Mexico sobre que se le paguen 400 pesos que... 06-27-1782
Herrera relacion individual de las misiones doctrinas, y curatos que en el obispado de Durango se hallan sin ministros propietarios por falta de... 12-10-1792
Heros libranzas giridas contra el fondo de temporalidades para debolver a las misiones de taraumara y tephanes que administran los ex Jesuitas.... 06-26-1789
Hernandez expediente sobre providencias para contener la infedilidad de los taraumaras y gente foragida que hostilizan en la Nueva Vizcaya. 10-03-1781
Hernandes Letters to and from Ugarte y Loyola concerning procedures to be used in stemming domestic collaboration with Apaches, first in this series... 09-03-1789
Hernandez Letters, diaries from Munoz and Trevino and responses from virrey Conde concerning Indian activity in province of Texas first in this... 03-24-1791
Hoyos Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Hijosa numero #4 letters concerning the salary of maritime pilot Joseph Vendia. 12-12-1792
Hixosa numero #4 letters concerning the salary of maritime pilot Joseph Vendia. 12-12-1792
Herrera numero #4 summary of events concerning the escape of Mariano Cruzada (sangrador). 01-01-1791
Hijose indice del expediente contra el... charges filed against Josef Antonio Nunez for misconduct. 03-31-1791
Hixosa las urgenues ocupasiones del despacho... letters concerning the misconduct of Josef Antonio Nunez. 03-17-1791
Huerta en veinte y nuebe dia del mes de octubre.... letters concerning the misconduct of Nunez (clerk). 11-05-1791
Hixoso en veinte y nuebe dia del mes de octubre.... letters concerning the misconduct of Nunez (clerk). 11-05-1791
Hixosa en el expedte sobre falta de asistencia..... letters concerning charges of misconduct by Nunez. 10-06-1792
Hixosa passo alas superiores manos.... letters concerning charges of misconduct against Nunez. 04-28-1791
Hixosa articulo 1 letters concerning charges of misconduct filed against Jose Antonio Nunez. 09-25-1791
Hixosa Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Hixosa Series begins with en el departamento de San Blas.... letters concerning misconduct on the part of the clerk of the real hacienda of San... 07-05-1791
Hijosa Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Herrera Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Hijosa Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Herrera Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Herrera y Cuzart Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Hererra Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Herrera y Davila Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Hijosa Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
Hernandez Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
Hijosa Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Herrera Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Herrera Correspondence concerning Lavastida's request to return to Spain to recuperate. 07-29-1794
Hijosa Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Hierro Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Hezeta Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Huasque Correspondence concerning Maldonado's request to deposit 20 pesos per month for his father. 10-20-1773
Herrera Correspondence concerning request by surgeon Ramirez for financial assistance. 12-07-1789
Hijosa Correspondence concerning roof repairs to houses of treasurer and accountant of San Blas. 04-01-1793
Herrera Correspondence concerning roof repairs to houses of treasurer and accountant of San Blas. 04-01-1793
Hebar Padrones y noticias del estado de las misiones en el ano del 1774, de Mora a Bucareli. 00-00-1772
Hidalgo Padrones y noticias del estado de las misiones en el ano del 1774, de Mora a Bucareli. 00-00-1772
Hidalgo Descubrimento del parage nombrado vinadaco y que en el se funden cinco misiones. 04-30-1772
Hijosa Correspondence from Hijosa to viceroy concerning opinions on three matters of concern to the departmento of San Blas. 12-10-1771
Hijosa Documents concerning request of Hijosa to viceroy that oxen teams and carts in service of departmento de San Blas not be sold. 07-08-1772
Hijosa Documents concerning Monroy's instancia that salary be increased to amount promised him at hiring. 00-00-1767
Hijosa Two representaciones by comisario of San Blas to viceroy. 12-16-1773
Hijosa Correspondence of comisarios of San Blas with viceroy concerning rebuilding and relocation of several departmental structures. 05-13-1768
Hijosa Proposal of comisario of San Blas to viceroy for employment of accounting personnel. 05-18-1773
