Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Huemes Orcasitas Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Hormagui Letters and autos from various officials to Fayni and Bucareli concerning military crisis of Nueva Vizcaya 10-31-1771
Huandarraga Documents relating state of Sonora under governor Pineda. 04-20-1770
Hits Letter from alcalde mayor to viceroy about retirement. 00-00-1759
Hirosa [untitled] 03-02-1770
Hixosa Letters about treasury of Sonora, and other documents. 01-20-1770
Hijosa Letter about payment of debt. 11-23-1770
Hojosa Issuance of weights and measures to Alamos. 12-06-1769
Hijosa Letters about military movements in Sinaloa and Sonora. 05-00-1769
Hernandez Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. 01-16-1771
Herrera Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. 01-16-1771
Hijosa Oficios del comandante general de Provincias Internas y respuestas del virrey 04-08-1777
Hijosa Orders given to all officials in Mexico naming Caballero de Croix by king as comandante general de Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Hierro Orders given to all officials in Mexico naming Caballero de Croix by king as comandante general de Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Herrera Documents regarding military appointments. 01-29-1777
Hijosa Various documents regarding military and civilian issues within Provincias Internas 04-05-1777
Herrera Documents relating to military and civilian appointments, retirements, Indian attacks within Provincias Internas 05-13-1777
Hormaequi Documents relating to military and civilian requests for salary increases and other issues. 09-17-1777
Huandurraga List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Henriquez de Almanza Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Herrera Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. 04-13-1788
Herrera y Rivero Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning recovery of livestock stolen by Apaches. 12-11-1784
Herrera y Rivero Rengel notifies Herrera y Rivero that nature of documents on which royal seal can be used has changed. 03-08-1785
Herrera y Rivero Letters concerning notice of edict to be posted regarding retirement pension. 03-13-1785
Hoz Hoz is named head of tobacco industry in Rosario where harvest is looking good. 03-31-1785
Herrera y Rivero Rengel acknowledges receipt of various royal announcements and decrees from Herrera y Rivero. 04-02-1785
Hoz Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785
Herrera y Rivero Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning various administrative and financial matters. 05-06-1785
Hoya Indexes of Loyola's letters to Virreynato and royal court made up by Garrido y Duran; virrey's acknowledgement of receipt. 05-24-1786
Herrera y Rivero Correspondence between Rengel, Fernandez de Loredo, Herrera y Rivero regarding Loredo's retirement due to failing health. 03-24-1785
Hoz Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. 05-14-1782
Henriquez de Solega Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Herrera Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Hoz Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Huidobro Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Hervias Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776
Hughes Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Hortiz Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Hoz Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. 07-11-1776
Hurtado de Mendoza Correspondence betwene Croix and Mayorga re: postal service; Durango tobacco factoria; lottery; military administrative matters. 08-01-1781
Huidobro Croix's correspondence re: request by inhabitants of Arrieros to be under jurisdiction of Sonora y Sinaloa. 03-00-1732
Hurtado de Mendez Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: receipt of correspondence; personnel; funds for missionaries; transport to Californias;... 10-27-1773
Huanourrapa Domingo Elizondo and Juan de Pineda. Extracto de las noticias y novedades en la expedicion de Sonora (2 copies). 04-20-1770
Hijosa Discourse concerning withholding of salary of captain Francisco Mesia and fiscal account of expedition of Sonora. 03-13-1780
Heros Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Hijosa Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Huarraga Letters from Sonoran field commanders to viceroy with responses concerning matters involved with the Elizondo expedition 05-27-1771
Huarraga Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora 08-13-1771
Herrea Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. 12-22-1765
Hipita Administrative correspondence concerning budget and list of expenditures made in construction of Buenavista presidio. 03-07-1766
