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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Hernandez Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Huemes Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Hurtado Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Hidalgo Letters to viceroy and junta general 09-23-1703
Herrera Letters to Salcede from Davila and others concerning various issues. 09-10-1804
Herrera Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-28-1789
Hernandes Letters to and from Ugarte y Loyola concerning procedures to be used in stemming domestic collaboration with Apaches, first in this series... 09-03-1789
Hos Letters to and from Cavallero de Croix concerning 'recargo de armamentos.' 02-26-1774
Hortega Letters relating Juan de Dios Michelena's activities and whether he is a spy or not from New Mexico. 11-06-1795
Herrera Letters regarding military promotions. 03-21-1806
Heredia Letters on military response to Hidalgo 04-07-1812
Hidalgo Letters on military response to Hidalgo 04-07-1812
Herrera Letters on military response to Hidalgo 04-07-1812
Herrera y Leyva Letters of Herrera to Martinez 00-00-1799
Herrera y Ribero Letters of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli and draft response 06-09-1773
Hernandez Letters from virrey to Tovar, and summary of letters sent by Tovar to virrey. Year 1770. 01-20-1770
Hinojosa Letters from virrey concerning new administration in Nuevo Santander. 07-03-1769
Hernandez Arriero Letters from Vidal de Lorca, 11-12/1774, Nuevo Leon. 12-28-1774
Herrera Letters from various people in Leon and Santander concerning communications (in context of transmittals), regarding diseases. 02-07-1803
Herrera Letters from various officials to viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries 10-00-1788
Hidalgo Letters from various officials to viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries 10-00-1788
Herrera Letters from various authors that concern the state of the epidemic in Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 02-08-1803
Herrera Letters from various authors that concern the state of the epidemic in Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 02-08-1803
Herrera Letters from various authors discussing the orders emanating from the junta provincial held to discuss problem of epidemic. 01-07-1803
Herrera Letters from various authors concerning primarily an account dedicated to peace and war in Coahuila for the year 1789 and its accounting... 10-09-1790
Herrera Letters from Vaamonde and Baltierra to virrey concerning the granting of retirement to Baltierra for wounds received in Indian attack. 11-28-1794
Herrera Letters from Tixerina to virrey concerning salary petitions. 12-12-1795
Huarraga Letters from Sonoran field commanders to viceroy with responses concerning matters involved with the Elizondo expedition 05-27-1771
Huarraga Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora 08-13-1771
Herrera Letters from Sanson to virrey concerning financial support and military promotion. 01-22-1796
Hernandez Letters from Ramon to Ugalde concerning remittance of food supplies and soldiers to Ugalde's next campaign. 08-17-1789
Hurieta Letters from Ramirez to Ugalde concerning logbook remittance. 08-04-1788
Hidalgo Letters from procuradores of California missions to virrey and senor Fiscal requesting payment of funds and lampara. 10-10-1790
Hidalgo Letters from president of misiones de Californiato virrey concerning retirement permissions. 03-20-1786
Herro Letters from Nava to virrey concerning petitions and proposals for military employments. 12-13-1790
Hernandez de Priego Letters from Indians for virrey complaining that their lands have been taken it away. 07-17-1742
Hixosa Letters from Hezeta to de la Bodega y Quadra concerning el paquebot and el principe ships. 09-02-1779
Hezeta Letters from Hezeta to de la Bodega y Quadra concerning el paquebot and el principe ships. 09-02-1779
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey concerning routine military and administrative affairs. 08-03-1795
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey concerning administrative appointments. 05-09-1795
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey Branciforte acknowledging receipt of various royal announcements and decrees. 04-10-1797
Herrera Letters from Herrera to Salcedo concerning structure of rebel government in Texas during illegal governorship of casas. 03-28-1811
Honorato de Rivera Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Hernandez Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Hurtado de Mendoza Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Herrera Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Hernandez Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Herrera Letters from Garcia Conde and Ruiz de Bustamante concerning three candidates to fill position of teniente de tercer compania de milicias de... 12-02-1817
Hinojosa Letters from falco for the comandante general informing him of names of individuals responsible for rebellion and misconduct in Bavispe. 04-17-1820
Hoyos Letters from Escandon to religious concerning the possibility of reassign fray Orozco in the mission of San Agustin de Laredo. 12-29-1766
