Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Florez Correspondence between Ugarte, viceroy, and other officials concerning soldiers confrontation with Apaches. 01-23-1789
Fontes Correspondence between Ugarte, viceroy, and other officials concerning soldiers confrontation with Apaches. 01-23-1789
Felis Sanches Correspondence between Urrea, Pineda, and Cruillas concerning numerous Indian raids. 12-31-1762
Flores Correspondence between Vaamonde and Revilla Gigedo concerning need for increased defense in Nuevo Leon. 11-28-1789
Flores Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Flores Valdez Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Fermin de Mendinueta Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning funds for support of peaceful Indians. 12-27-1786
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian pacification in Nuevo Mexico 07-06-1789
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 03-09-1786
Fuente Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 03-09-1786
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1786
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-27-1785
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-22-1776
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning military finances 00-00-1772
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning pacification of comanches 08-20-1785
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning payment of presidial troops and companias Volantes in Nueva Vizcaya 09-10-1772
Fermin de Mendinueta Correspondence between various officials concerning purchase of horses 12-02-1775
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning special fund for Indian pacification in Nuevo Mexico 08-00-1787
Fuente Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-17-1783
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-17-1783
Fernandez de Cordova Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-17-1783
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Fernandez de la Carrera Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Feixa de Senandi Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Feran Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Fernandez Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-06-1787
Franco Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general 04-16-1788
Fernandez Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general 04-16-1788
Fueros Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
Fitzgerald Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 01-10-1790
Forvervi Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 01-10-1790
Fernandez Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 03-16-1788
Flores Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 03-16-1788
Fueros Correspondence between viceroy and Corbalan concerning military personnel, salaries, and fiscal affairs of Sonoran military expedition. 01-15-1771
Flores Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Fonte Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Flores Correspondence between viceroy and Rengel concerning inspections in Provincias Internas. 08-18-1787
Fueros Correspondence between virrey and Corbalan concerning Seri settlement at Pitic. 12-24-1772
Florez Alatorre Correspondence between virrey and real audencia regarding Apache and meca Indian criminals and prisoners and various minor issues. 10-24-1807
Fonclara Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Flores Correspondence between Virrey, Nava re: various issuesof government of Provincias Internas. 08-27-1776
Fages Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. 10-12-1785
Fudundarena Correspondence by Camano and Ladron de Guevara concerning establishment of villa de Santillana, mining, reduccion 02-23-1758
Farundarena Correspondence by Camano and Ladron de Guevara concerning establishment of villa de Santillana, mining, reduccion 02-23-1758
Flieto Correspondence by Camano and Ladron de Guevara concerning establishment of villa de Santillana, mining, reduccion 02-23-1758
Fuentes Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Ferera del Valle Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
