Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Cabello Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cavello (Cabello). Orders to stop lipans from acquiring weapons. 06-02-1780
Croix Teodoro de Croix. Composicion de los cuepos de militias. 31-30-N.D.
Croix Teodoro de Croix. Declaration of Arispe as capital of the Provincias Internas. 06-25-1783
Cabello Teodoro de Croix. Declaration of Arispe as capital of the Provincias Internas. 06-25-1783
Croix Teodoro de Croix. Passing on orders for census to be taken annually. 05-20-1783
Cavello Teodoro de Croix. Passing on orders for census to be taken annually. 05-20-1783
Cabello Teodoro de Croix. Publication proceedings concerning Croix's dispatch ordering the observance of laws regulating the possession of... 00-00-0000
Croix Teodoro de Croix. Rules concerning distribution and accounting of gunpowder. 09-19-1780
Croix Teodoro de Croix/ Domingo Cabello. Discussion of action to be taken, against carancaguazes and of ambushes committed. 11-25-1782
Cabello Teodoro de Croix/ Domingo Cabello. Discussion of action to be taken, against carancaguazes and of ambushes committed. 11-25-1782
Cazorla Teodoro de Croix/ Domingo Cabello. Discussion of action to be taken, against carancaguazes and of ambushes committed. 11-25-1782
Cabello Teodoro de Croix/Domingo Cabello. Letter and publications proceedings concerning royal cedula of May 18 declaring war against Great Britain. 10-07-1779
Castilla y Llata tes, es de desconfiar mucho de la precedente que la de los indios pame; pero no por esto es de omitirie la... 11-08-1806
Cobian Testament of Leonardo de Armentia and info regarding estate of Prudencio de Armentia. 07-16-1634
Calderon Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Canalejo Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Castillo Testamentaria de general Gabriel del Castillo. 06-12-1698
Castello Testamento 12-00-1648
Catalan Testamento 06-09-1654
Castillo Testamento 08-18-1654
Carballo Testamento 05-25-1657
Castillo Testamento 12-10-1670
Casa-Orra Testamento 01-10-1674
Cortez del Rey Testamento de Bernardo Cortez del rey. 04-23-1729
Castillo Testamento de Domingo Teran de los rios. 09-02-1696
Contreras Testamento de Isabel de Valles. 08-18-1646
Coronado Testamento de Juan Joseph Gonzalez de Orejon. 02-07-1757
Coronado Testamento del Fransisco Angulo. 05-00-1756
Campa Testamento del sargento mayor Alonso Esqudero. 07-09-1733
Candano Testamento y inventario 08-16-1669
Correa de Silva Testamento, inventario 09-20-1668
Cabera Testamento. 07-09-1656
Calleja Testaments to viceroy concerning captive soldiers. 01-23-1805
Cordoba Testaments to viceroy concerning captive soldiers. 01-23-1805
Concho Sanches Testaments to viceroy concerning captive soldiers. 01-23-1805
Calderon Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. 00-00-1754
Cruz Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. 00-00-1754
Cazares Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. 00-00-1754
Criollo Testigos varios, al rey. Testimonio sobre Nayarit y otros documentos sobre la comarca. 05-00-1722
Corbalan Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Croix Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Cruillas Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Cano Testimonies and autos dealing with the appointment of Fernandez de Cordova, as capitan protector of fronteras de Colotlan. 10-06-1750
Cordova Testimonies and autos dealing with the appointment of Fernandez de Cordova, as capitan protector of fronteras de Colotlan. 10-06-1750
Campo Testimonies concerning beating of Laurezana while imprisoned in San Francisco. 07-23-1820
Canaveral Ponce de Leon Testimonies concerning charges of idolatry against Doye. 09-02-1763
Croix Testimonies concerning charges of idolatry against Doye. 09-02-1763
Carrillo Testimonies concerning charges of idolatry against Doye. 09-02-1763
Chacon Testimonies in case against morales for murder of Garza in Aguayo. 07-07-1756
Cuebas Testimonies in case against morales for murder of Garza in Aguayo. 07-07-1756
