Calleja |
. Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. |
02-22-1813 |
Carranza |
. Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. |
02-22-1813 |
Castillo |
. Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. |
02-22-1813 |
Cano Manuel |
. Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. |
02-22-1813 |
Cabesa de Baca |
. Proceedings and report of junta called to determine ways to send the New Mexico deputy to the Cortes. |
11-01-1820 |
Cuerbo |
. Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. |
10-15-1712 |
Candelaria |
. Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. |
10-15-1712 |
Candelaria |
. Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. |
10-15-1712 |
Chaves |
. Petition for new road. |
07-12-1813 |
Campo Redondo |
. Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. |
05-27-1788 |
Concha |
. Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. |
05-27-1788 |
Camargo |
. Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. |
08-01-1712 |
Codallos y Rabal |
. Peticion de los vezinos de la villa de Santa Cruz de la Canada. |
04-10-1748 |
Croix |
. Papeles y correspondientes sobre naufrago de la Goleta ynglesa two friends en la costa de La Bahia. |
10-22-1771 |
Ceballos Arredondo |
. Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. |
00-00-1821 |
Ceballos |
. Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. |
00-00-1821 |
Comaduran |
. nominations for second alferes. |
10-31-1817 |
Cruz Martin |
. Muster roll of troops stationed at Abiquiu. |
00-00-1806 |
Carrafa |
. Military service records. |
00-00-0000 |
Cavallero |
. Military service records. |
00-00-0000 |
Canuelas |
. List of two soldiers entitled to invalid status. |
11-18-1798 |
Cordova |
. List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. |
00-00-1712 |
Caravajal |
. List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. |
00-00-1712 |
Casados |
. List of invalid personnel entitled to pensions at Santa Fe presidio. Gives ages, years of service and disability. |
06-30-1797 |
Chacon |
. List of invalid personnel entitled to pensions at Santa Fe presidio. Gives ages, years of service and disability. |
06-30-1797 |
Concha |
. List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. |
00-00-1793 |
Canuelas |
. List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. |
00-00-1793 |
Casados |
. List of citizens and widows who received tools from government and basic figures for other pueblos. Over 170 names. |
00-00-1704 |
Cruz Quintana |
. Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. |
04-23-1813 |
Cordoba |
. Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. |
04-23-1813 |
Cardenas |
. Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. |
04-23-1813 |
Chacon |
. Inventory of goods in stock for gifts to allied Indians. |
00-00-1805 |
Calleja |
. Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. |
05-14-1811 |
Cordero |
. Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. |
05-14-1811 |
Chacon |
. expense account for gifts and aid to allied Indian tribes, on monthly basis. |
11-00-1801 |
Caballero |
. Escort for priest ordered. |
06-18-1813 |
Cordova |
. Election records. |
01-30-1814 |
Cordova |
. Election records. |
01-30-1814 |
Cuerbo y Valdes |
. Election of alcaldes ordinarios. |
01-01-1707 |
Concha |
. Discusses employment of landless peasants construction a barracks at Santa Fe. |
03-27-1789 |
Cano Manuel |
. Decree regarding the formation of municipal corporations. |
07-10-1812 |
Castro |
. December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... |
12-04-1821 |
Castano |
. December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... |
12-04-1821 |
Caballero |
. Dealing with military affairs - possibly service records - badly mutilated. |
00-00-1820 |
Cruzat y Gongora |
. Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. |
01-03-1732 |
Cuerbo y Valdes |
. Council of war. |
00-00-1707 |
Calleja |
. Copy, printed, of royal cedula limiting freedom of the press. |
09-01-1814 |
Carlos IV |
. Copy of a royal order regulating the use of cesarean operations. |
04-13-1804 |
Ceballos |
. Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. |
09-30-1804 |
Cortes |
. Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. |
09-30-1804 |