Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Cuentas (?)-to-Rafael Cuentas. Reporting on the prisoners in jail in Santa Fee. 01-18-1818
Cabello (domingo Cabello) to Phelipe de Neve. Military salary. 05-18-1784
Canas (fiscal) Ambrosio Melgarejo to king. Letter concerning Arizona silver. 07-19-1738
Compa (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Checo (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Custiele (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Cojo (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Cal Lo (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chantiele (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Canayguen (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chaicage (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chaychose (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Culi (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chigoy (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Casanova (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chineslan (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Chaie (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Castaneda (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Cueto (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Campos (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Cruillas (Virrey) Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: declared war with British; need for supplies. 08-27-1762
Cuerbo . 00-00-0000
Croix . A petition related to the construction of walls. 04-13-1780
Concha . Adjustment of accounts of wages for presidio of Santa Fe for year 1793. 04-22-1794
Canuelas . Adjustment of accounts of wages for presidio of Santa Fe for year 1793. 04-22-1794
Chacon . Armament report: supplies & needs of Santa Fe company. 12-31-1801
Calleja . Bando concerning new uniforms. 06-30-1815
Cortes . Census of men of Taos detachment. 00-00-1806
Concha . Census of Santa Fe company, men, wives, children and servants. 198 listings. 00-00-1790
Crespo . Citizens of Ojo Caliente complain of high religious fees. 10-01-1820
Ceballos . Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. 09-30-1804
Cortes . Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. 09-30-1804
Carlos IV . Copy of a royal order regulating the use of cesarean operations. 04-13-1804
Calleja . Copy, printed, of royal cedula limiting freedom of the press. 09-01-1814
Cuerbo y Valdes . Council of war. 00-00-1707
Cruzat y Gongora . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Caballero . Dealing with military affairs - possibly service records - badly mutilated. 00-00-1820
Castro . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Castano . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Cano Manuel . Decree regarding the formation of municipal corporations. 07-10-1812
Concha . Discusses employment of landless peasants construction a barracks at Santa Fe. 03-27-1789
Cuerbo y Valdes . Election of alcaldes ordinarios. 01-01-1707
Cordova . Election records. 01-30-1814
Cordova . Election records. 01-30-1814
Caballero . Escort for priest ordered. 06-18-1813
Chacon . expense account for gifts and aid to allied Indian tribes, on monthly basis. 11-00-1801
Calleja . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Cordero . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Chacon . Inventory of goods in stock for gifts to allied Indians. 00-00-1805
Cruz Quintana . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
