Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Bazan Joesph Manrrique (gober). Draft of three letters to comandante general reporting contact with comanche band that has requested aid and... 08-31-1809
Bazan Pedro Ruiz de Larramedini. notice to governor of expenses of contract for weaver Ygnacio Ricardo Bazan, his sons and apprentices, and... 08-31-1809
Bazan Pedro Ruiz de Larramedini. notice to governor of expenses of contract for weaver Ygnacio Ricardo Bazan, his sons and apprentices, and... 08-31-1809
Bazan Pedro Ruiz de Larramedini. notice to governor of expenses of contract for weaver Ygnacio Ricardo Bazan, his sons and apprentices, and... 08-31-1809
Bazan Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Authorization to pay the weaver Ygnacio Ricardo Bazan providing work is found satisfactory. 09-25-1809
Baldex Jose de la Cruz Quentana (teniente). List of names of those citizens vaccinated in la Canada, totaling 152 vaccinations. 10-07-1809
Baldes Jose de la Cruz Quentana (teniente). List of names of those citizens vaccinated in la Canada, totaling 152 vaccinations. 10-07-1809
Bernal Jose de la Cruz Quentana (teniente). List of names of those citizens vaccinated in la Canada, totaling 152 vaccinations. 10-07-1809
Baca Joseph Manrrique (gobernador). Drafts of three letters to comandante general, reporting Apache attack upon Zuni settelment and robbery of... 11-17-1809
Bustamante List of subscribers to the Voluntary contribution made by the inhabitants of the province of New Mexico. Nearly 500 names. 11-20-1809
Baca Joseph Manrrique (governador). Diary of events pertaining to Santa Fe company from 26 November 1808 through March 5, 1809, includes notice... 11-26-1809
Blanco Joseph Manrrique (governador). Diary of events pertaining to Santa Fe company from 26 November 1808 through March 5, 1809, includes notice... 11-26-1809
Baldes Garcia, Manuel to Mariques, Jose. Depredations of the yutas. 01-31-1810
Baca Baca, Bartolome to Manrique, Josef. notification of compliance with orders. 02-16-1810
Baca Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Concerning a solicitation for discharge, and the trade in copper and tin. 03-17-1810
Bragado Manrique, Jose to Salcedo,\, Nemesio. Concerning the arrival of four frailes, etc." 03-19-1810
Blanco Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. 03-31-1810
Botas Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. 03-31-1810
Baza Salcedo, Nemesio to gobernador interino. Concerning payment to a master-weaver. 04-27-1810
Blanco Salcado, Nemesio to gobernador ynterino del Nuevo Mexico. Re: surveillance of foreigners. 05-13-1810
Baca Governador ynterino del Nuevo Mexico to comandante general. Re: the recently concluded campaign against the Apaches. 06-30-1810
Bazan Bazan, Ygnacio Ricardo to Manrique, Jose. Acknowledgement of receipt of copies of the resolutions of the viceroy and the ordenador - not... 07-04-1810
Baca Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Campaign against Apaches. 07-16-1810
Baca Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: release of prisoners. 07-18-1810
Blanco Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: transfer of a preist; threat of Jose Napoleon's government; captive foreigners. 07-20-1810
Baca Pino, Jose to Manrique, Jose. Re: arrest of priest. 08-19-1810
Baca Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. 08-22-1810
Baca Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. 08-22-1810
Bardazi y Azara Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: various matters: retirements, gifts to Indian allies, election of officials, etc. 11-20-1810
Baca Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: various matters: retirements, gifts to Indian allies, election of officials, etc. 11-20-1810
Bardari de Azara Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: royal order of appointment of military officer. 12-26-1810
Bato Tafoya, Jose Miguel to Manrriques, Josef. Transcripts of proceeding in legal suit. 01-17-1811
Bernal Salcedo, Nemesio to Bernal, Francisco Xavier. Order for arrest of Felipe Montoya. 02-03-1811
Batres . Re: payment of salary of governor Real Alencaster. 02-22-1811
Bonavia . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Barela Miera y Pacheco, Cleto de to Manrique, Jose. Testimony and writs in assault case. 06-07-1811
Barela Miera y Pacheco, Cleto de to Manrique, Jose. Testimony and writs in assault case. 06-07-1811
Barela Miera y Pacheco, Cleto de to Manrique, Jose. Testimony and writs in assault case. 06-07-1811
Baca Miera y Pacheco, Cleto de to Manrique, Jose. Testimony and writs in assault case. 06-07-1811
Blah Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Joseph. News of defeat of the French by allied forces and other Spanish victories in Nueva Espana. 08-10-1811
Blake Fernando VII (consejo de regencia) to Manrrique, Joseph. Decree regarding the appointments to civil and ecclesiastical offices. 08-22-1811
Baca Baca, Maria Micaela. Testimony and claim of Maria Micaela Baca against estate of her husband Diego Montoya for her son. 09-12-1811
Burrola Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Blake Pezuela, Ignacio de (consejo de regencia) (Cortes) to Manrique, Jose. Decree regarding the establishment of institutions of public... 01-10-1812
Basquez Moreno, Valentin. Accounts of expenditures on gifts to Indian allies. 01-30-1812
Bernal Moreno, Valentin/Rey, Ysidro. Military records on personnel, animals and equipment of the Santa Fee cavalry company. 03-00-1812
Baca Moreno, Valentin/Rey, Ysidro. Military records on personnel, animals and equipment of the Santa Fee cavalry company. 03-00-1812
Baca Moreno, Valentin/Rey, Ysidro. Military records on personnel, animals and equipment of the Santa Fee cavalry company. 03-00-1812
Baca Moreno, Valentin/Rey, Ysidro. Military records on personnel, animals and equipment of the Santa Fee cavalry company. 03-00-1812
Bardaxi y Azara Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: royal order on the promotion of trade with the indies. 04-29-1812
