Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Basaldua Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Borica Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Borbon Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Borbon Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Bolado de Bustamante Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776
Borica Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Bachiller Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Borbon Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Bermudez Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Benitez Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Borica Series of documents concerning granting of status of poblador and invalido to retired soldier Valentin Flanella. 06-13-1773
Borbon Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Bermudes Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Barosabel Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Borrego Series of documents concerning fever contracted by soldiers at Espiritu Santo. 10-10-1816
Barcena Series of documents concerning expenses made by Sagarraga in preparing for transition of office to Gonzalez del Castillo. 10-10-1799
Belaunzaran Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Bonavia Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Battaller Series of documents concerning complaints made by Humana that Goycochea has not vacated his former residence. 02-28-1806
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. 03-27-1775
Belderan Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Bucareli y Ursua Series of document on organization of militias in Nayarit and Bolanos arguing the need to protect Spanish assets and maritime... 11-22-1777
Benites Series of document on organization of militias in Nayarit and Bolanos arguing the need to protect Spanish assets and maritime... 11-22-1777
Baamonde Series of certifications confirming legitimacy of complaints made against authorities of real de Vallecillos 10-11-1790
Balderrama Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Borica Series of brief titles (or headlines), regarding various Indian affairs and military operations in provincias del norte. Folios in this... 02-01-1792
Balparayso Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 11-19-1777
Bucareli y Ursua Series of autos on the jurisdictional conflict raised between Guadalaxara and Bolanos because of estupro committed against Muniz. 02-17-1774
Bucareli y Ursua Series of autos on the creation of militias in Colotlan and Nayarit to protect presidios and silver shipments to Spain 11-22-1777
Bueno Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Bueno de Roxas Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Bustillo Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Banul Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Bonavia Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... 11-14-1771
Bucareli y Ursua Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... 11-14-1771
Baez Series of autos in prosecution of Cordero Ruiz and Amezua 01-10-1791
Baraujas y Morado Series of autos in prosecution of Cordero Ruiz and Amezua 01-10-1791
Belis Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Bucareli y Ursua Series of autos dealing with conflict between government officials over the handling of the estupro case raised against Pasqual. 09-30-1773
Butron Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Barbero Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Baes Series of autos and testimonies describing the type of abuses committed by Baes against hacendados of real de Vallecillos 09-17-1790
Burgos Series of autos and testimonies describing the type of abuses committed by Baes against hacendados of real de Vallecillos 09-17-1790
Barbero Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Blas Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Bocanegra Series of appeals to virrey from padres at colegio Pachuca for Martinez to travel to Rome. 12-23-1786
