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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Bersuma Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Begultun Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 05-01-1791
Belarde Accounts and receipts of gifts given to Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-05-1786
Belarde Accounts and receipts for horses and mules for villa de Santa Fe. 07-19-1786
Borica Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Bermejo Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Baltasar Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Branciforte Account of tracking down fugitive Apaches in Sierra norte of puebla 01-11-1797
Bentura Belena Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Berdugo Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Barcelo Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Barreto Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Bucareli y Ursua Account of relations with diverse Indian groups in Texas and Luisiana. 12-03-1772
Bucareli y Ursua Account of de Anza's expeditions to Californiain relacion sent to viceroy Bucareli. 02-25-1777
Bucareli y Ursula Account of cattle thefts by different Indian groups, Texas 08-29-1772
Bucareli y Ursua Account of attempts to reconvert apostate Jaranames and arms trading among Indians. 09-22-1772
Bucareli y Ursua Account of attempts to reconvert apostate Jaranames and arms trading among Indians, Texas. 09-22-1772
Barreda Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Barrandegui Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Bonillan Ignacio Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Bonavia accediendo a la solicitud que hace don Juan Gonzales de Burgos 11-11-1805
Bucarely acabo de recibir la carta de vuestro senor numero 353 que trae la fecha de 10 de septiembre proximo pasado... 00-00-1772
Bonavia Abstract of expediente concerning 'toma de juramento y de razon' by Bonavia. 09-14-1792
Bentura Abril de 1767. Contiene una minuta no. 9 que acompana la instrucion quese remitio al govor. 07-18-1770
Bolivar y Mena About salaries of el presidio del pilar and accusations against governor Reneros. 02-09-1689
Bujanos About naming Manuel Bujanos, sargento of the regiment of dragones in Mexico, as primer Alferez of the segundo compania Volante de Nuevo... 06-03-1790
Balli A series of indexes primarily originating in Nuevo Santander which for the most part discuss gratifications to Indians and cases brought... 09-28-1804
Baron A series of indexes primarily originating in Nuevo Santander which for the most part discuss gratifications to Indians and cases brought... 09-28-1804
Bustamante Tagle A petition asking for the return of certain goods which had been seized during an investigation. 03-02-1750
Beitia A petition asking for the return of certain goods which had been seized during an investigation. 03-02-1750
Bucareli 96 letters concerning administration matters for the port of San Blas. 07-24-1792
Bodega y Quadra 96 letters concerning administration matters for the port of San Blas. 07-24-1792
Beltran 96 letters concerning administration matters for the port of San Blas. 07-24-1792
Bucareli y Ursua 821. Numero 19. Ano de 1773. Nueva Vizcaya numero 5. expediente formado sobre la colucion y secreta inteligencia de los indios Tarahumares... 04-05-1773
Brigdali 5. Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Numero 13. Libro 50 glosa numero 29809 foxa 36 vuelta. El senor comandante de la decima brigada en de oficio numero... 08-23-1809
Bonavia 4 relaciones documentadas de 9 individuos de la guarnicion de Provincias Internas de occidente a quienes ha declarado la gracia de imbalido 08-27-1814
Bucareli y Ursua 32-point informe presented by Serra to Junta de Guerra y Real Hacienda called by virrey. 12-23-1773
Barroeta 32-point informe presented by Serra to Junta de Guerra y Real Hacienda called by virrey. 12-23-1773
Bucarely y Ursua 3 05-24-1775
Bucareli y Ursua 2 letters of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli and draft response 08-23-1776
Bucareli y Ursua 2 letters of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli, with related correspondence of Asilona(?) and Artussa, and viceroys draft response. 04-29-1773
Bucareli y Ursua 2 letters of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli 07-10-1773
Bucareli y Ursua 2 letters of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli 09-06-1773
Bucerli y Ursua 2 letter of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli 06-16-1774
Bonavia 2 cedulas de imbalidos 07-02-1817
Borrego 19. 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 18. Libro glosa 57 numero 34.621 foxa 258. El senor comandante que de ellas da cuenta de... 01-03-1815
Balza Viguri 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817
Brilanti 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817
Bustamante 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817
Batres 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817
