Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Borbon Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Borica Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Borbon Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Berenguer de Marquina Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Basaldua Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Beltran Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Beltran Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. 05-02-1794
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Bonilla Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Barrios Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Bonilla Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773
Borica Series of documents concerning military organization to counterattack Indians who have been successful in destroying Spaniards'... 08-20-1788
Barragas Series of documents concerning naming of Elosua as ayudante inspector and Pardo as governor of Texas. 02-17-1818
Beltran Series of documents concerning naming of Elosua as ayudante inspector and Pardo as governor of Texas. 02-17-1818
Barrera Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Barragan Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in... 06-12-1817
Beltran Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in... 06-12-1817
Balmes Series of documents concerning petition of retirement by pages. 06-15-1816
Barrera Series of documents concerning petition of retirement by pages. 06-15-1816
Branciforte Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Brabo Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Beltran Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Buitron Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Bernal Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Bonavia y Zapata Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Bonavia Series of documents concerning retirement of Lopez and naming of new governor of Coahuila. 08-28-1815
Bonaparte Series of documents concerning retirement of Lopez and naming of new governor of Coahuila. 08-28-1815
Beranoff Series of documents concerning russian settlements in California 02-04-1814
Beltran Series of documents concerning selection of oficial primero de comandancia de Provincias Internas de Oriente. 11-05-1817
Bodega y Quadra Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Beltran Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Beltran Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Bastrop Series of documents concerning the interrogation of two anglo-americans caught in Texas. 12-21-1820
Benites Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. 07-06-1810
Bernal Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. 07-06-1810
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents concerning, expedition to open routes between Monterrey and San Diego. Administrative correspondence between viceroy... 06-18-1771
Bardarrian Series of documents concerning, expedition to open routes between Monterrey and San Diego. Administrative correspondence between viceroy... 06-18-1771
Baldez Series of documents concerning, expedition to open routes between Monterrey and San Diego. Administrative correspondence between viceroy... 06-18-1771
Balderon Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Baeza Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Barbero Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Baez Series of documents dealing with civil-military conflict which arose between hacendados and alcalde Baez over protection and contributions... 04-20-1790
Barboso Series of documents dealing with civil-military conflict which arose between hacendados and alcalde Baez over protection and contributions... 04-20-1790
Barbero Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader... 09-10-1780
Belazquez Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader... 09-10-1780
Bustillo y Bustamante Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Blanco de Velazco Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
