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Why man's garden clubs are different - less gabbing and socializing E. Sovola October 5, 1969 GARDENING
Why driver's license examiners climb the walls S.Cosner July 7, 1974 AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS
Why do kids cruise Central L. M. Reed January 9, 1966 YOUTH
Why did "Old Ones" leave our valley? R.Willson INDIANS, PREHISTORIC
Why did "Old Ones" leave our valley? R. Willson April 11, 1965 SALT RIVER VALLEY
Why did "Old Ones" leave our valley? R. Willson April 11, 1965 IRRIGATION, PREHISTORIC
Why did "Old Ones" leave our valley? R. Willson April 11, 1965 HOHOKAM CULTURE
Why deserts? W. Heald August 1942 DESERT
Why deserts? W. Heald August 1942 CLIMATE
Why Cochise went on the warpath L.D.Walters November 1934 COCHISE
Why Charles Rice is not going to climb Mount McKinley this summer F.Malone June 6, 1971 RICE, CHARLES
Why can't anyone find Dr. Thorne's lost gold mine? X. Carson September 1974 LOST MINES
Why birds are banded L. L. Hargrave September 1936 BIRDBANDING
Why Arizona? E. White February 1907 ARIZONA
Why Arizona will be a motion picture field November-December 1923 MOVING PICTURE INDUSTRY
Why Arizona should share tax revenues with local governments R. Bruce Billings January 1972 TAXATION
Why Arizona should share tax revenues with local governments R. Bruce Billings January 1972 TAX REVENUE
Why Arizona has good school E. R. Riesen and H. M. Norton August 1926 EDUCATION
Why an industry relocates R.W Bosse January 1969 MANUFACTURES
Why an Elk's hospital M. H. Starkweather July 1934 ELKS STATE HOSPITAL, TUCSON
Why a will: M. M. Bohlman June-July 1967 WILLS
Why a dude ranch vacation? October 1949 GUEST RANCHES
Whoopee-ti-yi-yo' C. Simpson February 27, 1976 GARDNER, GAIL I 1892-
Whoopee-ti-yi-yo' C.Simpson February 26, 1976 MUSIC, COUNTRY AND WESTERN
Wholesaling patterns in Arizona and the nation R.V.Call November 1966 WHOLESALE TRADE
Whodunit? Unsolved double murder poses continuing fear to residents of village D. Dedera September 20 1953 MURDER
Who's who on the Navajo reservation April 1960 MAXWELL, FRED G
Who's who May 1962 WEBB, DELBERT EUGENE, 1899-1974
Who's who D. Koby June 1962 SHARPE, JEROME H. 1926-
Who's who D.Koby September 1962 CRANDALL, LOUIS, 1929-
Who's who D.Koby October 1962 CLARKE, DAN W.
Who's who B.West November 1962 BABBITT, JOHN G 1908-
Who's scared? B. Broome May 1932 BANDELIER, ADOLPH F
Who's scared? B. Broome May 1932 APACHE INDIANS
Who's on the right? Young Americans for Freedom say they are E.Zarbin November 26, 1967 CONSERVATISM
Who's master here? D. J. Kreutz July 28, 1973 DOGS - TRAINING
Who's looking regionally August 1976 ENVIRONMENT POLICY
Who's flying? Just about everybody, that's who L. Moore September 1969 AERONAUTICS
Who's afraid to run a university? J.E.Cook September 27, 1970 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES
Who's afraid to run a university? J.E.Cook September 27, 1970 ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY
Who's afraid to run a university? J.E.Cook September 27, 1970 ARIZONA. UNIVERSITY
Who's a 'gringo'? R.G.Willson January 25, 1976 VOCABULARY
Who'll get the short straw? The battle for groundwater C. Collins September 25, 1976 WATER RIGHTS
Who will save old Kinishba? H. T. Adams December 1959 KINISHBA
Who will care? C. Sweet May 1989 MENTALLY ILL - CARE AND TREATMENT
Who were the Hohokum; whence came they and where did they go? E. E. Davis January 1930 HOHOKAM CULTURE
Who were the Hohokam? The evidence from Pima-Papago myths D. M. Bahr Summer 1971 PIMA INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Who were the Hohokam D.M.Bahr April 11, 1965 INDIANS, PREHISTORIC
Who was the other girl? M.M.Coriell August 1970 OATMAN MASSACRE
Who was Elias B. Woolley, fifth river-runner to traverse the Colorado? P.T. Reilly January 1962 WOOLLEY, ELIAS B.
