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Article titlesort ascending Author Date Subjects
(obituary) October 1929 HOGUE, MARY E
(Obituary) April 1931 DUNLAP, BURT
(obituary) April 1931 HOGAN, JOHN
(Obituary) January 1932 FILLEMAN, Mrs. JOHN J
(Obituary) January 1932 JONES, JOHN CALVIN
(Obituary) January 1932 KEARNEY, J F
(Obituary) April 1935 WILSON, Mrs. NEIL
(Obituary) January 1956 PERNER, ROSS HART, 1889 - 1956
(List of Arizona shippers.) May 1957 URANIUM MINES AND MINING
(Entire issue on Navajo) Spring 1972 NAVAJO INDIANS
(Death of George E. Trueman) October 1929 TRUEMAN, GEORGE E
(color portrait) March 6, 1960 GAMMAGE, GRADY
(blog sketch) October 1930 HATTICH, WILLIAM H
(Biography) January 19, 1958 MONEY, WILLIAM C
(Biography) January 19, 1958 MONTANA, BOB
(Biography) January 19, 1958 MULLAN, EDWARD P
(Biography) January 19, 1958 MULLAN, READ
(Biography) January 19, 1958 PETRALIA, CARL
(Biography) January 19, 1958 PHILLIPS, JOHN
(Biography) January 19, 1958 RAPTON, JAMES A
(Biography) January 19, 1958 STALLINGS, GUS
(Biography) January 19, 1958 STEVENS, HERB
(Biography) January 19, 1958 STEWART, SPENCER
(Biography) January 19, 1958 ZINK, JOSEPH E
(biography) February 1893 HEREFORD, FRANK H
(biography) February 1893 HOFF, CHARLES F
(Biography) February 1893 STEINFELD, ALBERT, 1854-1935
(Biography) June 1930 EAGER, A J
(Biography) June 1930 FAIRES, CLIFFORD C
(Biography) June 1930 KARTCHNER, K C
(Biography) June 1930 STEWART, CLIFFORD B
(Biography) January 19, 1958 BOWYER, SHADWELL H (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 BURNS, BILL (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 CHADWICK, ALLEN L (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 CLAYTON, MELVIN L (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 COULTER, BOB (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 COULTER, DEAN (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) February 1958 McDANIEL, SUE
(Biography) January 19, 1958 MADISON, GRAY E (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 STEWART, JACK P
(Biography) January 19, 1958 WADDOUPS, CLIFFORD W (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Biography) January 19, 1958 WERNER, HENRY
(Biographical sketches and original documents of the second Powell expedition of 1871-72) 1948 through 1949 POWELL, JOHN WESLEY, 1834-1902
(Biographical sketches and original documents of the first Powell expedition of 1869) 1947 POWELL, JOHN WESLEY, 1834-1902
(biographical sketch) September 1955 HOFLICH, HAROLD J
(Biographical sketch) November-December 1971 McFARLAND, ERNEST WILLIAM
(Bibliography) January 19, 1958 LUKE, WILLIAM J (Phoenix automobile dealer)
(Autobiography) February 1958 CLARIDGE, LOIS (Mrs. Ray)
(Autobiography) February 1958 VOIGT, HELENT (Mrs. A. W.)
(article) January 1936 TUCSON - REAL ESTATE
