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Yucca pie, anyone? R.Guerra June 1974 YUCCA
Yucca moth, a desert romance J. D. Laudermilk December 1942 YUCCA MOTH
Yucca moth, a desert romance J. D. Laudermilk December 1942 YUCCA
Yucca gun may create an industry D. L. Pillsbury October 1949 YUCCA
Yucca - manna of the desert H. R. Moore March 30 1958 YUCCA
Youth is for all ages A.N.Hopkins January 1974 BICYCLES AND BICYCLING
Youth Conservation Corps A.Weisman July 25, 1975 YOUTH - EMPLOYMENT
Youth Conservation Corps A.Weisman July 25, 1975 CONSERVATION OF RESOURCES
Youth bridges the barriers M.H. Walsh November 1960 FOREGIN STUDENTS IN ARIZONA
Youth and law enforcement S.G.Bayer 1968 YOUTH
Youth and law enforcement S. G. Bayer 1968 SCOUTS AND SCOUTING
Your state parks: Lake Havasu May 14, 1967 LAKE HAVASU
Your range - its management; growth characteristics and plant recognition C.T. Mason Jr. March 1956 ARIZONA. UNIVERSITY. HERBARIUM
Your range - its management; growth characteristics and plant recognition C. T. Mason Jr. March 1956 HERBARIA
Your hosts, the Navajos B.Johnson September 4, 1966 NAVAJO INDIANS
Your hosts, the Navajos B. Johnson September 4, 1966 TOURIST TRADE
Your health care S. M. Morris July 20 1969 PHOENIX - HOSPITALS
Your friendly nearby physicists R.Barrett October 26, 1975 ARIZONA. UNIVERSITY
Your friendly nearb physicists R. Barrett October 26, 1975 TEACHING
Your body is his business April 1949 DEEMING, JOHN W
Your blood is his business March 1949 WILKINSON, WILLIAM C
Youngtown- four years later J. Stocker January 25, 1959 YOUNGTOWN (Maricopa County)
Youngtown, Arizona. U. S. A. T. Tarbox January 1957 YOUNGTOWN (Maricopa County)
Youngtown, Arizona, U. S. A. T. Tarbox January 1957 OLD AGE
Youngtown - four years later J. Stocker January 25, 1959 OLD AGE
Youngsters learn traffic safety E.Clark January 24, 1965 SAFETY EDUCATION
Younger than springtime L. Bryan June-July 1975 WALTON, CLARA AITKEN, 1890-
Young tenderfoot cowboy shoots rancher's grandma R.G.Willson December 13, 1964 COWBOYS
Young Scissorbill beats old Chisholm train hand R.G.Willson August 11, 1963 CATTLE DRIVES
Young scientists for America's future January 17, 1960 PHOENIX - SCHOOLS
Young scientists for America's future January 17, 1960 SCIENTISTS
Young Robin Hood ready bows and arrows June 24, 1956 ARCHERY
Young pro with the symphonies; Phoenician in the big time practiced long for short career L.Hesler June 5, 1966 McDONALD, CHARLES
Young presidents August 1967 REFSNES, JOSEPH L.
Young presidents August 1967 BERRY,LOWELL
Young performers entertain at state hospital E. S. Stites June 19, 1960 MUSIC
Young musician lends enchantment to Prescott forest I. Smith January 10 1960 LANGHI, CYNTHIA
Young man with plans J. Sowell October 1969 VAN ARSDALE, DICK
Young in Years, giant in production E.Zarbin February 11, 1962 MANUFACTURES
Young help for old history; at Pioneer Arizona there is plenty they can do J.E.Cook February 21, 1971 MUSEUMS
Young girl in a whirl May 1, 1960 KURZ, PAT
Young farmer stakes future on cotton April 1928 HAMILTON, MERLIN (TUG), Queen Creek
Young farmer stakes future on cotton May 16, 1965 COTTON
Young family man with a business purpose January 1950 BEAUDRY, LEE
Young Christian at work D. DeWald August 7, 1955 GRANADO MISSION
Young Arizona goes SCUBA diving February 18, 1962 DIVING
Young achiever December 1974 BARNES, WAYNE
Youir tax dollar, where it goes W. E. Taylor December 1929 TAXATION
You've got to go back to get the good ones C. Abbott September 1955 PHOTOGRAPHY
You've come a long way, Tabby F.Malone September 19, 1971 PETS
