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Riding for the old C O Bar E.R.Forrest Spring 1964 RANCHES - COCONINO COUNTY
Riding for the old O O Bar E.R. Forrest Spring 1964 BABBIT BROTHERS
Southwestern military posts, 1849-1862 R.K.McMaster Spring 1964 MILITARY POSTS
The Dean Kirk ketoh collection C.A.Potter Spring 1964 NAVAJO INDIANS - JEWELRY
The Mormons enter Mexico F.S.Gonzalez Spring 1964 MORMONS AND MORMONISM
The Navajo girls' puberty ceremony: function and meaning for the adolescent A. B. Keith Spring 1964 NAVAJO INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
The Navajo girls' puberty ceremony: function and meaning for the adolescent A. B. Keith Spring 1964 NAVAJO INDIANS - WOMEN
The Twin Buttes Railroad pt.1 J.M. Murphy Spring 1964 RAILROADS
A centennial checklist of readings for the study and teaching of Arizona history R.Brandes and A.Wallace Spring 1963 BIBLIOGRAPHY
Charles Debrille Poston; prince of Arizona pioneers B. Sacks Spring 1963 POSTON, CHARLES DEBRILLE, 1825-1902
Death of a society: the Halchidhomas H. F. Dobyns and P. and G. Ezell Spring 1963 HALCHIDHOMA INDIANS
Document reference to a Navajo Naach'id in 1840 D. M. Brugge Spring 1963 NAVAJO INDIANS - POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
Excavation of some pre=Sunset eruption pithouses near Flagstaff, Arizona D. A. Breternitz Spring 1963 EXCAVATIONS (Archeology) - FLAGSTAFF AREA
Father Consag's eclipse report R.L.Ives Spring 1963 CONSAG, FERDINANDO
John Baptist Salpointe: First Roman Catholic Bishop of Arizona E.M.Dailey Spring 1963 SALPOINTE, JOHN BAPTIST, 1825 - 1898
Lionel F. Brady, 1880-1963 Spring 1963 BRADY, LIONEL FRANCIS
Lionel F. Brady, 1880-1963 Spring 1963 BRADY, LIONEL FRANCIS - BIBLIOGRAPHY
Louis John Frederick Jaeger: entrepreneur of the Colorado River S. N. Patzman Spring 1963 JAEGER, LOUIS JOHN FREDERICK
Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonite from Mesa Redondo, Arizona H. W. Miller Jr. and William J. Breed Spring 1963 PALEONTOLOGY
October notes from Willow Beach, Colorado River, Arizona L. M. Huey Spring 1963 BIRDS
Some sources of flexibility in Navajo social organization D. F. Aberle Spring 1963 NAVAJO INDIANS - POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
Stories and songs of the Walapai W.Winter Spring 1963 WALAPAI INDIANS
The creation of the Territory of Arizona B. Sacks Spring 1963 HISTORY - TERRITORIAL PERIOD, 1854-1912
The creation of the Territory of Arizona B.Sacks Spring 1963 POLITICS AND GOVERNEMNT, 1854-1912
The Hopi-Navajo colony on the lower Colorado River: a problem in ethnohistorical interpretation B. L. Fontana Spring 1963 COLORADO RIVER INDIAN RESERVATION
The surrender of Geronimo R. M. Utley Spring 1963 GERONIMO
Thomas Fitch: the restless orator J. E. Woodin Spring 1963 FITCH, THOMAS
Arizona's state governors L.E.Brown Spring 1962 GOVERNORS
Bald Head Ewell, frontier dragon J. S. Hutchins Spring 1962 EWELL, RICHARD STODDERT, 1817-1972
Colonel McClintock and the 1917 copper strike A. Wallace Spring 1962 McCLINTOCK, JAMES HARVEY, 1864-1934
Colonel McClintock and the 1917 copper strike A.Wallace Spring 1962 STRIKES - COPPER INDUSTRY AND TRADE
Plant succession on the recent volcano, Sunset Crater W. A. Eggler Spring 1962 BOTANY - SUNSET CRATER
A civil war episode in California- Arizona L. P. Kirby Spring 1961 HISTORY - TERRITORIAL PERIOD, 1854-1912
Biography of a desert church: the story of Mission San Xavier del Bac B.L.Fontana Spring 1961 SAN XAVIER DEL BAC MISSION
C. S. Fly L. Kellner Spring 1961 FLY, CAMILLUS S
Crawley P. Dake, U. S. Marshal G.L.Selingmann Jr. Spring 1961 DAKE, CRAWLEY P., 1827-1890
Frank Julian Cox Griffin Spring 1961 GRIFFIN, FRANK JULIAN COX
Historic site archeology W. W. Wasley Spring 1961 ARCHEOLOGY
Levi C. Udall Spring 1961 UDALL, LEVI C., 1891-1960
Luck of a damp Arizona wedding in 1877 G. Geisler Spring 1961 SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS
Overstocking of the ranges in southern Arizona during the 1870's and 1880's J.J.Wagoner Spring 1961 CATTLE INDUSTRY AND TRADE
Professor Eduardo W. Villa Spring 1961 VILLA, EDUARDO W., 1888-1960
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction R.M. Utley Spring 1961 APACHE INDIANS, MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction R.M. Utley Spring 1961 BASCOM, GEORGE N.
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction R.M.Utley Spring 1961 COCHISE
The meaning of history L.B.Schmidt Spring 1961 HISTORY
The quest of the blue shells R. L. Ives Spring 1961 SHELLS
The quest of the blue shells R.L.Ives Spring 1961 KINO, EUSEBIO FRANCISCO, 1644 - 1711
The reservation trader in Navajo history R. M. Utley Spring 1961 INDIAN TRADERS AND TRADING POSTS
Three years of the diary of Henry Fountain Ashurst 1910-1913 Spring 1961 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
