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Article title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Cattle drive to Warner's Ranch E.L.Vail Spring 1974 CATTLE DRIVES
Cattle drive to Warner's Ranch E. L. Vail Spring 1974 VAIL, WALTER L 1852-1906
Colorado River bighorn sheep survey N.G. Guse Spring 1974 MOUNTAIN SHEEP
First commerce on the Colorado G.A.Johnson Spring 1974 COLORADO RIVER - NAVIGATION
First commerce on the Colorado G. A. Johnson Spring 1974 JOHNSON, GEORGE ALONZO
Folklore of the White Mountains of Arizona. S. B. West Spring 1974 FOLKLORE
Future archaeological research in Grand Canyon R.G.Euler Spring 1974 ARCHEOLOGY
Future archaeological research in Grand Canyon R. G. Euler Spring 1974 EXCAVATIONS (Archeology) - GRAND CANYON
Highlights of Yaqui history E.H.Spicer Spring 1974 YAQUI INDIANS - HISTORY
History of For Huachuca, 1877-1890 B. J. Rolak Spring 1974 FORT HUACHUCA
History of Fort Huachuca, 1877-1890 B.J.Rolak Spring 1974 MILITARY POSTS
How water brings the desert to life S. Shapiro Spring 1974 ARID REGIONS
How water brings the desert to life S. Shapiro Spring 1974 WATER SUPPLY
Juh's stronghold in Mexico E. Ball Spring 1974 APACHE INDIANS - HISTORY
Lost river of silver M. Kildare Spring 1974 LOST MINES
Lost river of silver M. Kildare Spring 1974 NAVAJO INDIANS - MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES
Mexican refugees in Arizona, 1910-1911 A. Pace Spring 1974 MEXICANS IN ARIZONA
No all R.Yates Spring 1974 COLORADO RIVER - NAVIGATION
Pozole, atole and tamales; corn and its uses in the Sonora-Arizona region A. F. Pradeau Spring 1974 CORN
Pozole, atole and tamales; corn and its uses in the Sonora-Arizona region A. F. Pradeau Spring 1974 FOOD
Recollection of Garonimo's final surrender F.W.Groxen, as told by W.Loy and J.Hand Spring 1974 APACHE INDIANS, MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST
Recollection of Geronimo's final surrender F. W. Croxen, as told by W. Loy and J. Hand Spring 1974 GERONIMO
Spring wildflowers of the inner gorge, Grand Canyon, Arizona B.G.Phillips and A.M.Phillips Spring 1974 WILD FLOWERS
The battle of Cibecue and its aftermath: a White Mountain Apache's account W.B. Kessel Spring 1974 APACHE INDIANS, MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST
The ecological role of fire in North Rim forests, Grand Canyon National Park P.S.Bennett Spring 1974 FIRE
The ecological role of fire in North Rim forests, Grand Canyon National Park P. S. Bennett Spring 1974 GRAND CANYON - NORTH RIM
The events behind a monument J. E. Serven Spring 1974 APACHE INDIANS, MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST
The events behind a monument J. E. Serven Spring 1974 GERONIMO
The making of a bishop A.L.Stagg Spring 1974 HISTORY - SPANISH PERIOD to 1854
The making of a bishop A. L. Stagg Spring 1974 INDIANS - MISSIONS
The making of a bishop A.L.Stagg Spring 1974 MISSIONARIES
The murder of Cadete D. Cline Spring 1974 APACHE INDIANS
The murder of Cadete D. Cline Spring 1974 CADETE
The rise and fall of Ruby C. C. Meyer Spring 1974 MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES - SANTA CRUZ COUNTY
The rise and fall of Ruby C. C. Meyer Spring 1974 RUBY (Santa Cruz County)
The skinwalker P.Walsh Spring 1974 NAVAJO INDIANS - FOLKLORE
There was no sugar or cream for this boy at Strawberry , Arizona D.Hopkins Spring 1974 STRAWBERRY (Gila County)
There was no sugar or cream for this boy at Strawberry, Arizona D. Hopkins Spring 1974 FRONTIER AND PIONEER LIFE
Untitled Spring 1974 RICHEY, JAMES B.
Visibility studies in the Grand Canyon K.D.O'Dell and R.G.Layton Spring 1974 GRAND CANYON
Water quality perspective in recreation management G.C.Slawson Spring 1974 GRAND CANYON
Water quality perspectives in recreation management G. C. Slawson and L. G. Everett Spring 1974 WATER
Witchcraft E. R. Fryer Spring 1974 NAVAJO INDIANS - WITCHCRAFT
Witchcraft E.R.Fryer Spring 1974 WETHERILL, BEN
A note on the identification of pulled handles on Anasasi pttery C.R.Bennett Spring 1973 ANASAZI CULTURE
A note on the identification of pulled handles on Anasazi pottery C.R.Bennett Spring 1973 INDIANS, PREHISTORIC - POTTERY
Arizona's war against the foot and mouth epidemic of 1924 C.P.Kendall Spring 1973 CATTLE - DISEASES
Arizona's war against the foot and mouth epidemic of 1924 C.P.Kendall Spring 1973 CONTAGION AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES - PREVENTION
Arizona's war against the foot and mouth epidemic of 1924 C.P.Kendall Spring 1973 LIVESTOCK - DISEASES
