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1868, 1868 December 6, 1973 FREIGHT AND FREIGHTAGE
17 Arizonans in Guadalajara becoming doctors the hard way C. N. Swaart April 5, 1970 MEDICAL EDUCATION
17 Arizonans in Guadalajara becoming doctors the hard way C.M.Swaart April 5, 1970 PHYSICIANS
15th Arizona National D. Schaus January 1963 ARIZONA NATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW
15th annual Phoenix gem and mineral show February 17, 1963 MINERALS
152 years of service March 18, 1956 UPLEGGER FAMILY
14th annual Phoenix gem and mineral show February 25, 1962 MINERALS
13th legislature called worst R. G. Willson July 17, 1966 LEGISLATURE, TERRITORIAL, 13TH, 1885
12th Arizona National biggest yet D. Schaus December 1959-January 1960 ARIZONA NATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW
120 years to Kitt Peak W.L.Groens January 1963 KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY
12 showerheads and a master plan: P.E. at P.C. R.Newhall February 1966 PHOENIX COLLEGE
11th Arizona National greatest so far D. Schaus December 1958 ARIZONA NATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW
102 phones - all disconnected September 13, 1964 TELEPHONE
100 years of cattle ranching in Mohave S.P.Duncan December 7, 1972 CATTLE INDUSTRY AND TRADE
100 years of cattle ranching in Mohave S. P. Duncan December 7, 1972 GROUNDS, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, 1851-1930
100 years of cattle ranching in Mohave S. P. Duncan December 7, 1972 GROUNDS, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, 1880-
100 years of cattle ranching in Mohave S.P.Duncan December 7, 1972 RANCHES - MOHAVE COUNTY
100 years in the old Tucson R.G. Willson August 3, 1969 TUCSON
100 years for the credit: Prescott to celebrate centennial B. Nixon December 8, 1963 PRESCOTT
100 miles of Lonesome April 1969 BLACK RIVER
1,001 students welcome you E. Clark February 25, 1962 U. S. INDIAN SCHOOL (Phoenix)
1,000 years of Arizona history written in a small neat hand. D.Lederman April 1965 OBLASSER, BONAVENTURE
...largest chicken hatchery in Arizona A. Geroge POULTRY HATCHERIES
...another beautiful year in Arizona E. H. Peplow Jr January 1967 WILLIAMS, JOHN RICHARD, 1909-
...And the fight goes on June 1976 TUCSON - BUILDING INDUSTRY
...And a politician in a pine tree D.Ben-Horin May 17, 1975 TUCSON - POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
....known as the family home evening. E.Sovola April 14, 1968 STRADLING FAMILY
---And the fight goes on June 1976 LAND DEVELOPMENT
---And the fight goes on June 1976 TUCSON - POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
(Tucson Boy Scouts article) May 1933 TUCSON - BOY SCOUTS
(The Globe story) April 10 1955 GLOBE
(the cover) 1972 ROSSON, ROLAND
(Special section on Show Low) July 1956 SHOW LOW
(Special section on Show Low) July 1957 SHOW LOW
(Special section on Show Low) June 1958 SHOW LOW
(Special section on Show Low) July 1960 SHOW LOW
(Special section on Lake Mohave) November 1957 LAKE MOHAVE
(Special section on Lake Mohave) October 1958 LAKE MOHAVE
(Special section on Globe) February 1959 GLOBE
(special issue) Arizona, the state magazine May 1920 LEAGUE OF THE SOUTHWEST
(sketch of S.Hall) April 1901 HALL, SHARLOT MABRIDTH, 1870-1943
(Portrait) December 1961 NEW, LLOYD H
(portrait) February 12, 1961 HENLEY, HUGH M
(Portrait) February 12, 1961 IRVINE, JOSEPH PALMER, JR
(Portrait) February 12 12, 1961 JENNINGS, W O
(portrait) February 12, 1961 HARDILL, G W (Phoenix salesman)
(Portrait) November-December 1962 RICHARDSON, CECIL C
(Photographs throughout issues) May 1975 INDIANS - COSTUME AND ADORNMENT
(Phoenix signs) October 1964 SIGNS AND SIGNBOARDS
(Onituary) April 1935 STEINFELD, ALBERT, 1854-1935
