Western City

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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
$600,000 multi-service center built for Mesa, Arizona January 1971 Western City
1973-74 All American Cities: honorable mention --- Scottsdale, Arizona May 1974 Western City
Active bond issue campaign successfully completes water development for Prescott August 1964 Western City
All-America cities. Tucson. May 1961 Western City
Arizona cities face though problems in water and sewage works planning June 1955 Western City
Arizona cities face tough problems in water and sewage works planning June 1955 Western City
Arizona cities win sales tax vote December 1960 Western City
Award finalist, Prescott, Arizona January 1957 Western City
Beautification of Main Street is a joint effort in Mesa December 1968 Western City
Bond issues eased Phoenix water problems May 1971 Western City
Buckeye gets world's biggest desalting plant October 1964 Western City
Buckeye gets world's biggest desalting plant October 1964 Western City
Citizens and budgets April 1975 Western City
City council took a "long, hard look" at cable television in Tempe August 1966 Western City
City hall reflects Scottsdale's success in involving citizens January 1969 Western City
City, county, chamber of commerce cooperate in industry program January 1955 Western City
Civic center improvements April 1972 Western City
Computer mapping used in Scottsdale July 1972 Western City
Cooperative urban transportation planning by Arizona highway and city officials. July 1964 Western City
Coordinated industrial development program is Casa Grande's approach July 1960 Western City
County government in Arizona April 1972 Western City
County government in Arizona April 1972 Western City
Crime fighting; joint effort begun between 3 Arizona jurisdictions July 1975 Western City
Evolution of data processing in Tempe April 1972 Western City
Evolution of data processing in Tempe April 1975 Western City
Fire protection by private contract is method used by Scottsdale council September 1961 Western City
Flagstaff February 1958 Western City
Hayden - the town designed to die is now a thriving community July 1957 Western City
Hayden, Arizona February 1959 Western City
Higher sales tax share sought by Arizona League's initiative petition August 1960 Western City
Higher sales tax share sought by Arizona League's initiative petition August 1960 Western City
Industry, recreation and home needs solved by Prescott golf course plan March 1958 Western City
Issues and concerns facing Western leagues in 1972: Arizona February 1972 Western City
Issues and concerns facing Western Leagues in 1972: Arizona February 1972 Western City
Labor relations in Arizona January 1976 Western City
Labor relations in Arizona January 1976 Western City
Long history of delay proceeded expansion of Yuma sewerage system April 1956 Western City
Mesa's library fills long awaited dream April 1960 Western City
Metropolitan "chaos" to be avoided under Arizona's law controlling urban incorporation August 1961 Western City
New in-service training program graduates 466 Phoenix employees August 1956 Western City
New trash acquired by Mesa sanitation department February 1967 Western City
Own recognizance release program in Phoenix through court-community relations cooperation December 1971 Western City
Phoenix and Glendale jointly face critical sanitary sewer problem April 1958 Western City
Phoenix and Glendale jointly face critical sanitary sewer problem April 1958 Western City
Phoenix applies modern technology to police records management July 1967 Western City
Phoenix begins 1961 water bond expansion program April 1962 Western City
Phoenix ends traffic confusion at "Six Points" intersection January 1963 Western City
Phoenix establishes new approach to police communications September 1968 Western City
Phoenix fly control campaign attacked "enemy" on four fronts April 1955 Western City
Phoenix plans for future growth by anticipating traffic needs February 1954 Western City
Phoenix uses "alternative budgeting" May 1975 Western City
Phoenix votes $70 million in bonds for long range capital improvement plan July 1957 Western City
Phoenix' drainage and flood control program January 1976 Western City
Phoenix, Arizona February 1959 Western City
Polygraph test to all applicants for Tucson's police department January 1961 Western City
