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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai Fall 1965 Ethnohistory
A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai boundary Fall 1965 Ethnohistory
Across some decades Fall 1971 Ethnohistory
Blacks in the early Southwest Summer 1972 Ethnohistory
Blacks in the early Southwest Summer 1972 Ethnohistory
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction Fall 1971 Ethnohistory
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction Fall 1971 Ethnohistory
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973 Ethnohistory
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973 Ethnohistory
Death of a society: the Halchidhomas Spring 1963 Ethnohistory
Document reference to a Navajo Naach'id in 1840 Spring 1963 Ethnohistory
Estimation of intensity of land use form ethnobiology; applied to the Yuma Indians Spring 1957 Ethnohistory
Ethnoarchaelofical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example Fall 1973 Ethnohistory
Ethnoarchaelogical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example Fall 1973 Ethnohistory
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Winter 1969 Ethnohistory
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Winter 1969 Ethnohistory
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" Summer 1959 Ethnohistory
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" Summer 1959 Ethnohistory
Mesoamerican Indians in the early Southwest Winter 1974 Ethnohistory
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
Palowahtiwa and the economic redevelopment of Zuni Pueblo Winter 1974 Ethnohistory
The battle of Cibecue and its aftermath: a White Mountain Apache's account Spring 1974 Ethnohistory
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort Mcdowell Indian community Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort McDowell Indian community Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort McDowell Indian community Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
The Hopi-Navajo colony on the lower Colorado River: a problem in ethnohistorical interpretation Spring 1963 Ethnohistory
The influence of the White man on Southwest Indian art Spring 1960 Ethnohistory
The influence of the White man on the Southwest Indian art Spring 1960 Ethnohistory
The native's point of view as an important factor in understanding the dynamics of the Oraibi split Winter 1973 Ethnohistory
The Plomo papers Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
The society that did not die Summer 1972 Ethnohistory
The society that did not die Summer 1972 Ethnohistory
The stereotyping of North American Indians in motion pictures Spring 1973 Ethnohistory
The stereotyping of North American Indians in motion pictures Spring 1973 Ethnohistory
Tribe and tribal boundaries: the Walapai Winter 1957 Ethnohistory
Who were the Hohokam April 11, 1965 Ethnohistory
Who were the Hohokam? The evidence from Pima-Papago myths Summer 1971 Ethnohistory