A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai |
Fall 1965 |
Ethnohistory |
A linguistic approach to demographic problems: the Tonto-Yavapai boundary |
Fall 1965 |
Ethnohistory |
Across some decades |
Fall 1971 |
Ethnohistory |
Blacks in the early Southwest |
Summer 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
Blacks in the early Southwest |
Summer 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction |
Fall 1971 |
Ethnohistory |
Chinese labor, economic development and social reaction |
Fall 1971 |
Ethnohistory |
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 |
Winter 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 |
Winter 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
Death of a society: the Halchidhomas |
Spring 1963 |
Ethnohistory |
Document reference to a Navajo Naach'id in 1840 |
Spring 1963 |
Ethnohistory |
Estimation of intensity of land use form ethnobiology; applied to the Yuma Indians |
Spring 1957 |
Ethnohistory |
Ethnoarchaelofical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example |
Fall 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
Ethnoarchaelogical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example |
Fall 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo |
Winter 1969 |
Ethnohistory |
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo |
Winter 1969 |
Ethnohistory |
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" |
Summer 1959 |
Ethnohistory |
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" |
Summer 1959 |
Ethnohistory |
Mesoamerican Indians in the early Southwest |
Winter 1974 |
Ethnohistory |
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
Palowahtiwa and the economic redevelopment of Zuni Pueblo |
Winter 1974 |
Ethnohistory |
The battle of Cibecue and its aftermath: a White Mountain Apache's account |
Spring 1974 |
Ethnohistory |
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort Mcdowell Indian community |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort McDowell Indian community |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The effects of the Central Arizona Project on the Fort McDowell Indian community |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The Hopi-Navajo colony on the lower Colorado River: a problem in ethnohistorical interpretation |
Spring 1963 |
Ethnohistory |
The influence of the White man on Southwest Indian art |
Spring 1960 |
Ethnohistory |
The influence of the White man on the Southwest Indian art |
Spring 1960 |
Ethnohistory |
The native's point of view as an important factor in understanding the dynamics of the Oraibi split |
Winter 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
The Plomo papers |
Fall 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The society that did not die |
Summer 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The society that did not die |
Summer 1972 |
Ethnohistory |
The stereotyping of North American Indians in motion pictures |
Spring 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
The stereotyping of North American Indians in motion pictures |
Spring 1973 |
Ethnohistory |
Tribe and tribal boundaries: the Walapai |
Winter 1957 |
Ethnohistory |
Who were the Hohokam |
April 11, 1965 |
Ethnohistory |
Who were the Hohokam? The evidence from Pima-Papago myths |
Summer 1971 |
Ethnohistory |