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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Orange-growing in the Salt River Valley January 1912 Ariz
Ostrich breeding in Arizona February 1910 Ariz
Our agricultural empire December 1912 Ariz
Our skimmed milk campaign May 1919 Ariz
Our university December 1915 Ariz
Our water supply May 1917 Ariz
Our woman senator February 1915 Ariz
Papago Park: the good roads uplift in Arizona February 1916 Ariz
Patsy Pat comes to town to tour through Phoenix stores; writes to home folks of a visit to Dorris-Heyman's and Pratt-Gilbert's. April 1922 Ariz
Paved national highways March 1919 Ariz
Phoenix artesian water December 1918 Ariz
Phoenix artesian water December 1918 Ariz
Phoenix as a municipality; able administration considered the prime factor in advancement of the city February 1922 Ariz
Phoenix public market October 1914 Ariz
Phoenix the growing city September 1912 Ariz
Phoenix Union High School, an example of modern educational methods July 1912 Ariz
Phoenix's new million dollar caravansary October 1919 Ariz
Pinal the modest county November 1914 Ariz
Pineair, a summer paradise August 1910 Ariz
Pioneering on the high roads of Arizona March 1918 Ariz
Playground of the northland August 1923 Ariz
Plug the bung hole April 1919 Ariz
Poo lo - the Indian December 1913 Ariz
Poor lo - the Indian December 1913 Ariz
Possibilities of reclamation January 1913 Ariz
Possibilities of the new state November 1911 Ariz
Poultry farming in the Salt River Valley September 1921 Ariz
Prehistoric Arizona November 1925 Ariz
Prescott and Phoenix Short Line Railroad will open up at a new and virgin mining field May 1917 Ariz
Prescott frontier days; a week of wild west sport and automobile racing July 1914 Ariz
Progress and development August - S 1922 Ariz
Progressive business firms of the Yuma Valley May 1912 Ariz
Progressive business firms of Yavapai county June 1912 Ariz
Progressive business firms of Yavapai county June 1912 Ariz
Prosperous business houses of the Gila Valley April 1912 Ariz
Prosperous business houses of the Gila Valley April 1912 Ariz
Pump irrigation in the Santa Cruz valley December 1920 Ariz
Pump irrigation in the Santa Cruz valley December 1920 Ariz
Pumping for irrigation September 1913 Ariz
Pumping for irrigation October 1913 Ariz
Pumping plant deluxe September 1913 Ariz
Purity and grading of milk July 1919 Ariz
Race records of Arizona October 1912 Ariz
Race records of Arizona October 1912 Ariz
Railroad advertising and the state March 1911 Ariz
Ralph Cameron, candidate October 1914 Ariz
Raw resources July 1916 Ariz
Ray Consolidate Cooper CO. February-March 1917 Ariz
Real estate in the Valley is good investment February 1910 Ariz
Real estate, banking and business conditions generally, Globe district April 1910 Ariz
Reasons why the Automobile Club of Arizona makes its plea for support of all motorists in Arizona October 1924 Ariz
Reclamation criticism March 1916 Ariz
Restoring the dairy industry December 1920 Ariz
Restoring the dairy industry February 1921 Ariz
Restoring the dairy industry March 1921 Ariz
