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Article titlesort ascending Date Journal Title
The Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs, a brief sketch of its birth, progress an activities with a forecast of its future usefulness September 1916 Ariz
The Arizona dream mine March 1918 Ariz
The Apaches' last trek; migration of the tribesmen from Fort Apache to Florida May 1919 Ariz
The Apaches' last trek; migration of the tribesmen from Fort Apache in Florida May 1919 Ariz
The Apache Trail May 1916 Ariz
The annual state fair, it will surpass all former Arizona expositions October 1913 Ariz
Tenth annual state fair December 1914 Ariz
Ten acres in the Salt River Valley March 1911 Ariz
Tempe, a center of wealth and culture December 1910 Ariz
Tempe Normal July 1915 Ariz
Tal-kli, a tale of Apache days November 1912 Ariz
Superior's new smelter May 1924 Ariz
Superior's new smelter May 1924 Ariz
Sulphur Springs Valley September 1913 Ariz
Subsoiling, a practical test June 1913 Ariz
Struggle of a pioneer to benefit Arizona March-April 1923 Ariz
Story of the red baron; the man who tried to steal a state and came near doing it September 1919 Ariz
Story of Apache Leap; a region of romance and reminiscence transformed by modern industry October 1914 Ariz
Storm swept; unprecedented floods did great damage in Arizona, but there were compensations January 1916 Ariz
Storage dam and flood water utilization April 1917 Ariz
Stay, cowboy, turn 'em out wild July 1923 Ariz
Statement by Paul Renau Ingles candidate for Judge Superior Court October 1914 Ariz
State parks are not needed? U. S. Forest Service better qualified February 1925 Ariz
State parks are not needed? U. S. Forest Service better qualified February 1925 Ariz
State parks are not needed? U. S. Forest Service better qualified February 1925 Ariz
State board of trade meeting May 1916 Ariz
Spotless town April 1916 Ariz
Spineless cactus has limitations February-March 1920 Ariz
Southern Arizona and its 1913 fair at Tucson October 21 to 25 September 1913 Ariz
Some successful flowers for summer gardens June 1913 Ariz
Some representative Mesa business men February 1910 Ariz
Some of our leading business interests February 1910 Ariz
Some figures regarding the mills of Arizona November 1913 Ariz
Some cotton patch; operations of the Southwestern Cotton Company August 1917 Ariz
Some Arizona literature September 1917 Ariz
Some Arizona birds July 1922 Ariz
Slaughter of useful birds; a grave emergency December 1912 Ariz
Sixty five world scientists; they inspect Salt River Valley irrigation project as guiests of American Geographical Society October 1912 Ariz
Sheep industry in Arizona October 1912 Ariz
Sheep grazing on alfalfa March 1913 Ariz
Sheep business in Ariznoa April 1917 Ariz
Shall we lose "the Apache Trail"? October 1920 Ariz
Shall we lose "the Apache Trail"? November 1920 Ariz
Shall we be practical? November 1920 Ariz
Shall America be developed? The truth about the Colorado River pact December 1922 Ariz
Sen. Drachman February 1915 Ariz
Seeing Arizona first October 1924 Ariz
Seeing Arizona first October 1924 Ariz
Scottsdale, a warning February 1913 Ariz
Schlalos grows potatoes; what a man who knows how, did on twenty acres August 1917 Ariz
Santa Cruz, the key county November 1914 Ariz
Santa Catalina Mountains; Oracle one of Tucson's summer colonies May 1917 Ariz
San Xavier del Bac; one of the best preserved of the old Spanish missions March 1913 Ariz
San Simon artesian belt June 1919 Ariz
San Francisco peaks January 1916 Ariz
