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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Two hustling representatives February 1915 Ariz
The line Republican February 1915 Ariz
Arizona copper distracts in 1913 February 1914 Ariz
Water and whisky: how Tucson is adapting herself to new conditions February 1914 Ariz
Nogales the picturesque February 1914 Ariz
Apaches and the magic water; historical sketch of the discovery of Castle Hot Springs February 1914 Ariz
On the Little Colorado; St. Johns, a prosperous town without a railroad February 1914 Ariz
Days of in Arizona; where the mountain desert meet in Pima County February 1914 Ariz
Arizona climate February 1913 Ariz
The natural bridge of Arizona February 1913 Ariz
Cogs of a wheel; Secretary Fisher says farmers are part of great co-operative irrigation scheme February 1913 Ariz
Expanding possibilities of citrus culture in the Salt River Valley, Ariz February 1913 Ariz
Frost and citrus fruit; how an orange orchard may be protected February 1913 Ariz
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" February 1913 Ariz
Title to public lands February 1913 Ariz
The aztec sun fete February 1913 Ariz
Diary of a journey through northern Arizona and the "Arizona Strip" pt.7 February 1913 Ariz
Good roads February 1913 Ariz
Scottsdale, a warning February 1913 Ariz
Money in alfalfa February 1913 Ariz
Arizona Indian women and their future February 1912 Ariz
The woman health seeker February 1912 Ariz
Experiences of a pioneer teacher February 1912 Ariz
Experiences of a pioneer teacher February 1912 Ariz
How a girl can work her way through school February 1912 Ariz
How Arizona entertains February 1912 Ariz
How the public libraries of Arizona were started February 1912 Ariz
Legal rights of women in Arizona February 1912 Ariz
Women who broke the trails for us February 1912 Ariz
The homestead woman February 1912 Ariz
Do Arizona women want the ballot February 1912 Ariz
Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs February 1912 Ariz
Growing olives in the Valley February 1910 Ariz
Orange growing in the Valley February 1910 Ariz
The west coast route February 1910 Ariz
Real estate in the Valley is good investment February 1910 Ariz
Ostrich breeding in Arizona February 1910 Ariz
Castle Hot Springs, a beautiful cove in the mountain fastness of Arizona February 1910 Ariz
A square deal February 1910 Ariz
Some of our leading business interests February 1910 Ariz
Some representative Mesa business men February 1910 Ariz
Saloons or no saloons February 1910 Ariz
Mesa the queen city of the valley February 1910 Ariz
Salt River Valley banks and bankers February 1910 Ariz
Salt River Valley banks and bankers February 1910 Ariz
The treasure territory of to-day February 1910 Ariz
Arizona's largest sanatorium December 1924 Ariz
The progress of pecan culture in the Salt River Valley December 1924 Ariz
Ingleside the beautiful December 1924 Ariz
Shall America be developed? The truth about the Colorado River pact December 1922 Ariz
The wizardy of Tumanoc December 1922 Ariz
Hoover and the Colorado River December 1922 Ariz
Accomplishments of Arizona Industrial Congress December 1922 Ariz
Restoring the dairy industry December 1920 Ariz
Nogales the great international port of entry December 1920 Ariz
