Ariz Bsns

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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand April 1974 Ariz Bsns
Maricopa County food costs in 1973: price controls vs. excess demand April 1974 Ariz Bsns
Marketing amazing Arizona March 1977 Ariz Bsns
Mechanics' and materialmen's lien laws in Arizona August-September 1974 Ariz Bsns
Mesa --- gateway to the valley November 1976 Ariz Bsns
Methodology for analyzing the economics of sludge disposal alternatives June-July 1976 Ariz Bsns
Metropolitan Phoenix: decelerating inflation June-July 1976 Ariz Bsns
Mining: workhorse of the Arizona economy October 1976 Ariz Bsns
Minority business needs and assistance in Arizona March 1977 Ariz Bsns
More population growth: trends and projections December 1973 Ariz Bsns
National and state economy at yearend: review and outlook January 1974 Ariz Bsns
National and state economy at yearend: review and outlook January 1973 Ariz Bsns
New York City and the urban finacial orisis: implications for Phoenix? June-July 1976 Ariz Bsns
Observations on ecology and business reponsibility March 1974 Ariz Bsns
Observations on ecology and business responsibility March 1974 Ariz Bsns
Outlook for the Arizona economy in 1976 December 1975 Ariz Bsns
Prescott: a city of growth surrounded by beauty March 1976 Ariz Bsns
Program performance reporting in Arizona local government April 1975 Ariz Bsns
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona February 1973 Ariz Bsns
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona March 1973 Ariz Bsns
Public policy and mineral resource development in Arizona April 1973 Ariz Bsns
Quiescence in Maricopa County and Arizona construction: 1975 March 1976 Ariz Bsns
Reducing cost barriers in the housing market January 1977 Ariz Bsns
Retirement communities --- a special lifestyle February 1977 Ariz Bsns
Review of OSHA: impact and needed changes October 1973 Ariz Bsns
Service industry expanded rapidly in 1980s September 1989 Ariz Bsns
Sierra Vista: a booming city economy December 1976 Ariz Bsns
Snowbirds are a half-billion-dollar industry in the Valley May 1990 Ariz Bsns
Solar energy: overcoming the barriers August-September 1976 Ariz Bsns
Strategies for marketing a community April 1976 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene April 1975 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene: A paradise for the hunter and angler October 1975 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene: agriculture is everybody's business February 1976 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene: District V: two diverse counties January 1976 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene: District V: two diverse counties January 1976 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene; a benefit to the State: the Arizona State Parks System May 1975 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona business scene; Yuma - a desert oasis December 1975 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona Trade-Off Model March 1973 Ariz Bsns
The Arizona Trade-Off Model March 1973 Ariz Bsns
The economies of power pooling and energy use February 1974 Ariz Bsns
The economies of power pooling and energy use February 1974 Ariz Bsns
The economies of power pooling and energy use February 1974 Ariz Bsns
The first twenty years: a college and faculty profile January 1976 Ariz Bsns
The first twenty years: a college and faculty profile January 1976 Ariz Bsns
The hotel-motel industry in the Phoenix metropolitan area November 1974 Ariz Bsns
The hotel-motel industry in the Phoenix metropolitan area November 1974 Ariz Bsns
The impact of rising health insurance and health care cost on business January 1977 Ariz Bsns
The impact of rising health insurance and health care costs on business January 1977 Ariz Bsns
The impact of Tucson shoppers on the Phoenix retail market June-July 1973 Ariz Bsns
The labor unions in the fields; the Arizona Farm Labor Law October 1973 Ariz Bsns
The management training decision in Maricopa County December 1972 Ariz Bsns
The Mexican border industrialization program October 1974 Ariz Bsns
The poor, near-poor, and non-poor of Phoenix October 1973 Ariz Bsns
The strategic planning process April 1976 Ariz Bsns
The tourism industry: What impact on Arizona? December 1973 Ariz Bsns
