Browse authors

Author Last Name Article Titlesort ascending Year
Foley Mountain resorts draw city dwellers 1937
Fontana Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... 1975
Fontana Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... 1975
Fontana Meanwhile, back at the rancheria . . . 1975
Forrest Louis Akin, artist of old Arizona 1956
Fontana Lost arsenal of the Papagos 1960
Fontana Lost arsenal of the Papagos 1960
Fontana Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" 1959
Fontana Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" 1959
Fontana, Greenleaf Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archeology 1962
Fontana, Greenleaf Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archaeology 1962
Fowler John Wesley Powell, anthropologist 1969
Fontana John P. Clum, the bureaucrat who captured Geronimo 1990
Forbes Intensive farming in the Yuma Valley 1912
Foote Hayden, Arizona 1959
Foster Harry L. Goss, M. D., 1880-1964 1964
Foster Geronimo's bloody calling card 1971
Foster Geronimo's bloody calling card 1971
Foust Fishing in a bathtub? 1964
Fouts Exploring lower Canyon Creek 1967
Fowler Douglas' sixth annual art festival 1961
Ford Doodlebug prospector 1945
Fox Development and diversion of water for mining 1961
Fox Development and diversion of water for mining 1961
Fox Cowboy on the Coconino 1966
Fox Cowboy on the Coconino 1966
Fowler Constitutions and conditions contrasted: Arizona and New Mexico, 1910 1974
Fowler Constitutions and conditins contrasted: Arizona and New Mexico, 1910 1974
Foss Climate of the Salt River Valley 1908
Fontana Calabazas of the Rio Rico 1971
Fontana Calabasas of the Rio Rico 1971
Fox Bishop Salpointe's visitation of 1877 1975
Fontana Biography of a desert church: the story of Mission San Xavier del Bac 1961
Foss Arizona, the health-resort of Arizonians 1908
Fox Arizona Water Resource Committee, annual report 1958
Forbes Arizona soils for citrus culture 1912
Fontana Arizona place names 1960
Foraythe Arizona etchings 1916
Fordyce Afoot through Grand Canyon 1927
Fouts, Adventure in Bradshaws 1968
Fouts A visit to the King 1969
Fouts A visit to the King 1969
Foss A sum total 1909
Foster A statement to the taxpayers of Phoenix 1922
Foster A statement to the taxpayers of Phoenix 1922
Fowell A preliminary bibliography of the published writings of Berard Haile, O.F.M. 1961
Fontana, Greenleaf, Cassidy A fortified Arizona mountain 1959
