Browse by date

Title/Descriptionsort descending Location Date
Corn Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-29
Corn Tanzania 1920-02-21
Corn Tanzania 1920-03-08
Corn and beans Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-05
Corn and cow pea Tanzania 1920-03-06
Corn and m'tama, tree and grass Tanzania 1920-03-28
Corn and mango tree Tanzania 1920-03-28
Corn and Manihot hilled up Tanzania 1920-02-15
Corn and native huts Tanzania 1920-03-28
Corn and open grass Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-23
Corn field Mozambique 1919-11-03
Corn fields Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-18
Corn fields Tanzania 1920-03-28
Corn hailed out in Aug. United States, Colorado 1949-08-17
Corn just coming up Tanzania 1920-04-11
Corn just coming up, rice Tanzania 1920-04-11
Corn loaded Mozambique 1919-11-03
Corn on bank of Lualaba River Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-13
Corn soaked & pounded Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-18
Corn stubble Tanzania 1920-03-06
Corn, ant hill, large trees Tanzania 1920-04-12
Corn, ant hill, trees Tanzania 1920-04-12
Corn, beans, pumpkin, etc. Tanzania 1920-03-28
Corn, etc. Burundi 1920-03-16
Corn, rice and forest Democratic Republic of the Congo 1920-01-23
Corn, rice, bananas Tanzania 1920-04-12
Corn, rice, bananas, sugar cane Tanzania 1920-04-12
Corn, trees, mountains Tanzania 1920-02-24
Corral Mexico, Sonora, Poso Serma Rancho 1932-05-05
Corrals and crops United States, New Mexico 1917-12-11
Corridor & doors in African Hotel Tanzania 1920-04-04
Coryphantha recurvata United States, Arizona 1932-08-24
Coryphantha robustispina United States, Arizona 1932-08-24
Cotton and Wool Mill United States, Utah 1914-09-08
Cotton field United States, Arizona 1929-10-22
Cotton picking United States, Arizona 1929-10-22
Cotton picking United States, Arizona 1929-10-22
Cotton picking United States, Arizona 1929-10-22
Cotton picking United States, Arizona 1929-10-22
Cottonwood and cattle United States, Nebraska, Republican Valley 1912-05-22
Cottonwood and cattle RR United States, Nebraska, Republican Valley 1912-05-22
Cottonwood in fore, field United States, Colorado 1916-08-19
Cottonwoods United States, Arizona, Fish Creek Hill 1933-09-09
Cotyledon orbiculata South Africa, Gauteng 1919-10-12
Coulter's cattle, Arizona fescue United States, Arizona 1930-11-21
Council of old men Kenya 1920-05-23
Cove United States, Oregon, Crater Lake 1910-08-11
Cove United States, Oregon, Crater Lake 1910-08-11
Cove United States, Oregon, Crater Lake 1910-08-11
Covillea United States, Arizona 1913-03-20
