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Person Last Name Document title Date
Zozaia Letters from Lacomba/Cossio to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo... 06-30-1789
Zapato Saxs Nine military instancias from colonia of Nuevo Santander. 02-02-1792
Zozaya Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Zosaia Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Zerda Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Zozaya Military diaries and estados de fuerza for presidio of Lampazos for years of 1791, '92 and '93. 03-01-1791
Zepeda Correspondence from Bujanos and others to Castro concerning military activities in Nuevo Santander 05-06-1791
Zerna Letters to Castro concerning the activities and conditions of military companies in Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1792
Zerna Letters to Castro concerning the activities and conditions of military companies in Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1792
Zervantes Expositions from soldiers accompanying the padre conductor to missions of Texas. 12-07-1792
Zozaya Letters from Diaz to Castro concerning activities and conditions of military companies in Santander. 05-03-1792
Zosaya Letters to Castro regarding trial of Zosaya. 05-29-1792
Zazoya Letter from Emparan to viceroy concerning charges leveled against Emparan by Castro. 05-24-1791
Zozaya Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Zozaya Series of letters from Castro to Emparan concerning military escort requested by Castro. 04-10-1791
Zozaya Letter from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan's insubordination. 04-00-1791
Zozaya Letters between Castro and compania de Monclova concerning provisioning of military escort. 04-02-1791
Zozaya Letters concerning charges of insubordination leveled by Castro against Emparan. 07-29-1791
Zozaya Letters between Castro and Emparan concerning Castro's orders that Emparan return to Santa Rosa. 08-20-1791
Zevallos Letter from Pena to Castro concerning misconduct by Emparan. 09-02-1791
Zozaya Letters between Florez, Castro, Valdes & virrey about Florez' complaints against Castro. 07-12-1792
Zozaya Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Zamora y Soler Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Zapato-Sar Letter from Munoz to Castro concerning arrival of lipan Indian at Bexar. 09-12-1791
Zepeda Correspondence between Tovar and Castro concerning battle against Lipanes. 07-30-1791
Zerda Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
Zuviaur Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. 00-00-1750
Zarin Letters from Borica and Nava to virrey concerning military promotions and military pensions. 01-10-1793
Zarin Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military promotions and military proposals for employment. 01-27-1792
Zarin Letters from Nava, Borica and Cordero to virrey concerning proposals and petitions for military employments. 05-03-1792
Zarin Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military personnel 08-23-1792
Zuniga Letters regarding notification of correspondence received and sent from Nava to virrey. 04-23-1793
Zuniga Index offices from Pedro de Nava concerning Provincias Internas de la Nueva Vizcaya affairs. 05-31-1792
Zubia Index of correspondence from Nava, Garcia and Herera concerning Provincias Internas affairs. 01-31-1793
Zuviria Index of correspondence from Nava, Garcia and Herera concerning Provincias Internas affairs. 01-31-1793
Zuniga Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Zuniga Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Zuloaga Nava's correspondence concerning military personnel and appointments. 09-16-1791
Zapata Letters from Vaamonde and Baltierra to virrey concerning the granting of retirement to Baltierra for wounds received in Indian attack. 11-28-1794
Zepeda Letters from Vaamonde and Baltierra to virrey concerning the granting of retirement to Baltierra for wounds received in Indian attack. 11-28-1794
Zubiria Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Zuniga Correspondence between Nava, Conde del Campo de Alange, and virrey concerning diverse military, fiscal, and administrative affairs. 07-16-1793
Zubia Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 01-08-1794
Zubia Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Zambrano Nava proposes increased vigilance against Mescaleros; several prisoners consequently taken by Mateos. 07-12-1796
Zozaya Indexes of oficios sent by Herrera to virrey from June 1795-December, 1796. 06-14-1795
Zapiain Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796
Zaga Documents dealing with return of Indians to province and ways to remedy problems 08-03-1782
Zozara Collera de indios remitida por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander don Diego de Lasaga 01-01-1782
Zurdo Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. 02-20-1779
