Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Zepeda Juan Chirinos (soludo). Pleito sobre la muerte de Christobal Carabajal por Juan Chirinos, soldados del presidio de Bexar. 01-16-1772
Zapiain Juan de Casas a Joaquin Zapiain. Arrendamiento de una hacienda de labor. 12-16-1774
Zara Juan de Escandon. 05-29-1756
Zevallos Juan del Pino. Demanda criminal de pedimiento de don Juan del Pino mercader. 12-24-1746
Zarate Juan Fernandez de Retana, Autos concerning entrance strangers (French?) into Texas. 11-20-1688
Zerda Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (conde de Revillagigedo). Acts of inquiry and resolutions relative to the French trade with the... 02-10-1751
Zavala Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (virrey, gobernador). expediente sobre haber separado el virrey de Nueva Espana a Agustin de... 00-00-1748
Zumeta Juan Isidro Pardinas Villar de Francos auto ordering military campaign against Indian rebels Nueva Vizcaya. 11-02-1688
Zepeda Juan Jose Montes de Oca. Water rights dispute. 07-23-1781
Zisneros Juan lucero de godoy. Declaracion sobre una mina cerca de San Miguel, trabajada por los indios Moquis. 08-08-1691
Zubiate Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera. Investigation of murders, robberies committed by Juan Manuel Estevan Rivera and his cronies. 00-00-1787
Zerran Juan Secundino Saenz. Maria Rito Ruiz contra Pedro de Asque y Armendariz por pago de pesos. 00-00-1755
Zubieta la variacion de metoda que habia observado el exemo. snr. Bucareli hasta el ano de 1779... 12-04-1786
Zavala Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... 03-16-1780
Zuniga Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... 03-16-1780
Zayas Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... 03-16-1780
Zaabedra Legal autos against Cristoval Geronimo found guilty for wounding Joseph de Santiago with a knife. 09-11-1767
Zavala Legal documents concerning payments of interest rates on loans. 05-14-1757
Zepeda Legal proceedings to recover a mule. 05-01-1781
Zozaya Legaxo numero 17 que comprende la correspondencia de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia de Nuevo Santander con la extinguida... 10-30-1786
Zuaso Leiba, Zimeon de. The last will and testament of zimeon de leiba. 09-15-1783
Zelaya Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. 07-01-1817
Zelaya Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. 07-01-1817
Zeylaya Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. 07-01-1817
Ziprian Letter concerning appointment of Diego Gagiola by Tienda. 00-00-0000
Zaquela Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey informing the situation from north Durango, Chihuahua, Nuevo Mexico and Texas. 10-12-1813
Zubia Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey informing the situation from north Durango, Chihuahua, Nuevo Mexico and Texas. 10-12-1813
Zozaya Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Zambrano Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for religiosos in Nuevo Mexico due to advanced age and illness of those presently serving... 06-28-1762
Zamora Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for religiosos in Nuevo Mexico due to advanced age and illness of those presently serving... 06-28-1762
Zozaya Letter from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan's insubordination. 04-00-1791
Zagarzurieta Letter from commander of San Blas, informing of collapse of local church. 07-04-1816
Zazoya Letter from Emparan to viceroy concerning charges leveled against Emparan by Castro. 05-24-1791
Zapata Letter from Herrera to Nemesio Salcedo concerning capture of insurgent forces lead by Hidalgo. 03-28-1811
Zapato-Sar Letter from Munoz to Castro concerning arrival of lipan Indian at Bexar. 09-12-1791
Zoqueyra Letter from Pasqua to viceroy reporting on situations of thirteen missions of Nueva California; missionaries from college of San Fernando... 04-28-1788
Zevallos Letter from Pena to Castro concerning misconduct by Emparan. 09-02-1791
Zunon Letter from Plo y Alduan to Rengel complaining of low salary; high cost of living. Requests that Rengel notify virrey. 12-27-1785
Zamora Letter from the administrator of hacienda de California to the viceroy insisting in his request for more land 02-14-1769
Zerna Letter from the administrator of hacienda de California to the viceroy insisting in his request for more land 02-14-1769
Zamora Letter from the administrator of hacienda de California to the viceroy insisting in his request for more land 02-14-1769
Zuvirain Letter from the new gobernador of Nuevo Mexico for virrey explaining him the plan for supplies. 10-21-1766
Zozaya Letter from virrey (?) re: use of papel sellado. 10-04-1786
Zalcedo Letter from Ybanez y Lasala to virrey concerning his imprisonment and cruel treatment by Oca. 07-20-1768
Zozaia Letter from Zozaia to Galvez re: granting of permission to Guifasto go to capital. 07-19-1786
Zacarain Letter of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli with related letter of Zacarain to Fayni, and viceroy's draft response 04-21-1773
Zamora Letter of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli with related declaracion and draft response 11-07-1776
Zaracho Letter of Zaracho to commandant inspector O'conor 07-19-1775
Zerna Letter relating the attack of a Spanish military company by the French and the panana Indians. 10-08-1720
Zenda Letter to viceroy 02-03-1702
