Yrizal |
Correspondence between governor and viceroy concerning legal, economic activities in Nuevo Santander. |
10-27-1770 |
Ypariaguirri |
Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas |
01-02-1742 |
Ymkitola |
Criminal charges against Abila, Phelipe de |
04-14-1730 |
Ybarbo |
Informes from Rivera, Pedro de, Perez de Almazan, and others to viceroy concerning Indian affairs and colonists in Texas. |
12-01-1731 |
Ydalgo |
Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. |
06-27-1767 |
Yzaguirre |
Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. |
06-27-1767 |
Yvanez |
Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. |
06-27-1767 |
Yzaguirre |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of July. |
06-19-1778 |
Yvanez |
Correspondence between Ruiz and virrey re: salaries of naval personnel, month of August. |
08-19-1778 |
Ybargaray |
Mistreatment of Indians in Nuevo Mexico. |
11-20-1636 |
Ydoiaga |
Joseph de Ydoiaga to virrey Juan Francisco Guemes y Horcasitas and other presidio capitans. |
00-00-1747 |
Ydalgo |
Documents concerning pueblo revolt of 1680 and requests for aid. |
11-30-1682 |
Yanez |
Fines to officials and other people in Nuevo Santander |
00-00-1785 |
Ybarrez |
Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion |
00-00-1784 |
Ybarra |
Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla |
06-16-1797 |
Yxart |
Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander |
01-21-1798 |
Yrigoyen |
Appointment of military officers to fill political vacancies |
01-12-1798 |
Yxart |
Appointment of military officers to fill political vacancies |
01-12-1798 |
Yxart |
Sentencing and pardon of Victor Segovia |
03-20-1792 |
Yxart |
Sentencing of criminal Guzman |
01-29-1802 |
Ymaz y Altolaguirre |
[untitled] |
02-23-1797 |
Yrigoyen |
Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. |
12-20-1775 |
Ydoiag |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Ynfan |
Letter from Fayni to Croix concerning pending religious case. |
12-18-1768 |
Ybarra |
Letters concerning Indian hostilities, military mobilization, civil-military-religious relations in 1770. |
12-26-1769 |
Yarto |
Administrative correspondence from gobernador Barri to Virrey. |
02-16-1776 |
Yragumbe |
Administrative correspondence from gobernador Barri to Virrey. |
02-16-1776 |
Yandiola |
Administrative documents of Yandiola (governador interino) y Diaz de Ortega (governor e yntendente de Durango. |
01-31-1786 |
Yrigoien |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Ybarrola |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Ybarrola |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Yrigoyen |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Yturralde |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Yrigoyen |
Letters between various officials and viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries |
01-09-1788 |
Yribarren |
Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries |
10-18-1787 |
Yrigoyen |
Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries |
10-18-1787 |
Ybarra |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Ymas Esquen |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Yanez |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
10-26-1788 |
Yanes |
Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. |
04-07-1788 |
Yermo |
Quaderno que comprende los borradores de oficios passados del capitan... |
11-29-1786 |
Yermo |
Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... |
11-12-1783 |
Ysaguirre |
Correspondence from Bujanos and others to Castro concerning military activities in Nuevo Santander |
05-06-1791 |
Yberri |
Testimony taken by Gonzales and letters from Echeagaray to Castro concerning illness and activity of Serna. |
05-01-1792 |
Yriarte |
Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. |
07-14-1791 |
Yriarte |
Letter from Castro to virrey concerning complaints against Emparan. |
10-18-1791 |
Yglesias |
Letters of Escandon to (?) listing force size, naming officers of troops in Coaguila, Nuevo Leon, Nuevo Santander. |
12-12-1775 |
Yglecias |
Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. |
10-19-1773 |
Yrazabal |
Correspondence between Diaz, Fueros, viceroy, and others government officials concerning separation of Nueva Vizcaya from Coahuila. |
05-21-1785 |
Yrazabal |
Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. |
01-22-1786 |