Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Yste Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Ystasi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Ylaschoye Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Ylaschoye Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Yaschil Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Ylaschoye Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Ytejuli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Yage Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Ystaci Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Ynsis Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Ylachoy Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Yaschil Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Yeste Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Ychuli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Ylaschoye Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Yesgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Yrruegas yllmo y exmo. Senor = sr = el br. Dn. Carlos Sanchez de Zamora... 12-06-1738
Ynojosa Ynojosa, Juan Joseph de (OFM). Certification of Pedro Pino to represent his father Matheo Pino in negotiations with fray Ynojosa. 09-14-1770
Yturbe E Yraeta ynstancia de Faustino Garcia, vecino de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, sobre que se le levante el destierro a que fue condenado en la... 10-02-1801
Yturrigaray ynstancia de Faustino Garcia, vecino de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, sobre que se le levante el destierro a que fue condenado en la... 10-02-1801
Yrarte ynstancia de Faustino Garcia, vecino de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, sobre que se le levante el destierro a que fue condenado en la... 10-02-1801
Ynigo Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Yribarren Yribarren, Jose Antonio de. Receipt for arms shipped from Chiguagua to Santa Fe. 01-06-1780
Yrollaga Ysidro Rey. Report to governor about minor legal matters in El Paso including cases pending, travelers with passports and lawyers... 01-25-1807
Ydoyada Ysidro Rey. Three short letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging the cancellation of the visita to El Paso and notifying governor of... 10-10-1807
Ydoyaha Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor acknowledging receipt of comandante general naming Maynez new governor and receipt of papers on case... 08-31-1808
Ysorza Ysorza, Manuel Antonio de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the retirement of a presidio officer. 09-15-1780
Yturbido Yturbide. Transmitting royal order to implement measures to restore order in America, and the plan de yguala as a local measure to restore... 09-21-1821
Yuba Yuba, Antonio/Povia, Asencio. Criminal proceedings against Antonio Yuba and Ascencio Povia for homosexual activity. 06-25-1731
Ymaz y Altolaguirre [untitled] 02-23-1797
Ypomame [untitled] 12-26-1649
