Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ynez de Vera Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Yturvide Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Yturvide Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Yanez Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Yturrigasti Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Ynestrillas Letter from Pasqua to viceroy reporting on situations of thirteen missions of Nueva California; missionaries from college of San Fernando... 04-28-1788
Yturrigaray At request of his father, Luis Cuevas is sent to Nueva Californiato become poblador or soldado; father later requests that he be returned... 02-18-1799
Ylasia Proceso contra los neofitos de la mision de San Antonio llamados primo... 12-15-1800
Yturrigaray Proceso contra los neofitos de la mision de San Antonio llamados primo... 12-15-1800
Ynzunza Notes on correspondence concerning missionaries in California and Nuevo Mexico from 1785-1802. 12-05-1785
Ybrarbe Notes on correspondence concerning missionaries in California and Nuevo Mexico from 1785-1802. 12-05-1785
Yturrigaray Solicitud del gobernador para que se le remita cantidad de greta a fin de que alli fabrique losa un poblador alfarero. 11-15-1802
Yturvide Solicitud del gobernador para que se le remita cantidad de greta a fin de que alli fabrique losa un poblador alfarero. 11-15-1802
Yturrate Fray Domingo y Turrate del colegio de San Fernando sobre licencia para ir a la habana. 12-12-1797
Yturrigaray Don Juan de Dios Morelos, cirujano de San Blas destinado en Monterrey se goze de las gratificaciones de Mesa concedidas a los de su clase. 11-14-1799
Yones Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Ybarsabal Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Yribe Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. 10-26-1753
Ylumbe Autos and testimonies regarding dispersion of Muli's estate to creditors and others. 07-07-1739
Yandan Autos and testimonies regarding dispersion of Muli's estate to creditors and others. 07-07-1739
Ylarrequi Autos regarding censuses of haciendas of Minyo and Vinas, belonging to missions of California 02-17-1730
Yglesias Guerrero Torres asks Fondo Piadoso de Californias for 6000 pesos for works of Oteyza, Larrasabal and Herrerias. 06-17-1779
Yglesias Series of libramientos concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 00-00-1779
Yermo Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 11-19-1777
Yermo Correspondence concerning loan to Conde de la Regla from Fondo Piadoso of California missions. 10-07-1783
Yglesias Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. 12-00-1782
Yermo Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. 12-00-1782
Yermo Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. 03-23-1782
Yermo Inventory and appraisal of hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 03-04-1768
Yturrigaray Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-01-1800
Yturrigaray Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. 09-09-1800
Yermo Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Yturrigaray Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Yoldi Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Yriarte Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. 06-15-1798
Yturrigaray Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Yranga Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and others discussing condition of troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico under contract with merchant... 10-20-1787
Ygnacio Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Yribarren Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Yribarren Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Yrquidi Ugarte y Loyola and Ugalde discuss through letters to virrey Conde de Galvez need to contract merchant to provide for troops of Provincias... 10-12-1786
Yermo Ugarte y Loyola and Ugalde discuss through letters to virrey Conde de Galvez need to contract merchant to provide for troops of Provincias... 10-12-1786
Ynigarro Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Yruegas Index of official documents dealing with Coahuila in possession of Martinez de Soria. 00-00-1799
Yturrigaray Documents relating to money owed to real hacienda by Fondo Piadoso. 03-15-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters relating to transfer of fray Romero and fray Sanchez Hervas from Spain to California. 02-24-1804
Yoldi Series of letters concerning return of three priests to Spain. 05-07-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters concerning return of three priests to Spain. 05-07-1804
Yturrigaray Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. 10-24-1804
Yoldi Roster of chief administrators at California missions from May 1802 until May 1803. 05-00-1802
