Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Yrazaval Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra... 00-00-1767
Yunco Concerns colonization of Nuevo Santander. 08-07-1755
Yzquierdo Concerns dealing with Indians after reconquest of Nayarit. 01-02-1724
Yslas Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Yslas Concerns the retirement of Periques and the choosing of his replacement. 10-16-1768
Yncera consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Yrureta Goyena consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Yturrigaray Consideration of increasing the pay of the interventor of rentas in Chihuahua. 09-17-1790
Yandiola Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Ybanez Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Ygnacio Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Yandiola Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817
Ynigo contrata de viveres para el puerto de San Blas. 05-02-1782
Yermo Contrato de condiciones and related documents 10-28-1783
Ymas y Altolaguirre copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Ylibarvo Copies of letters concerning plan for defense of Texas from U.S. 02-28-1809
Yanonalit Copy of reserved instructions that governor Neve left to his successor, Fages. Important documents regarding history of northeast Mexico. 08-04-1791
Yrazabal Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. 01-22-1786
Ygnacio Coronel Manuel Munoz, Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riba, justicia mayor. Detencion del gobernador de los indios Yaquis y 18 hombres de su... 08-01-1781
Yescay Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Yermo Correspondence and indexes to letters of governor Guitierrez and viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo 10-20-1791
Ybarsabal Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Yaha Correspondence between Casas, viceroy, and Corras concerning Apache prisioner. 08-12-1790
Ygnacio Ramon Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Yarto Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
Ycaza Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Ybarro Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Yribarren Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Indian attacks in Santa Barbara, Chihuahua and Olivos. 12-31-1789
Yrazabal Correspondence between Diaz, Fueros, viceroy, and others government officials concerning separation of Nueva Vizcaya from Coahuila. 05-21-1785
Ybarguen Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767
Yribarren Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla. 00-00-1771
Yrizal Correspondence between governor and viceroy concerning legal, economic activities in Nuevo Santander. 10-27-1770
Yermo Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. 10-08-1787
Yriarte Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). 10-10-1715
Yriarte Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 05-21-1775
Ysco Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. 08-06-1788
Yelnos Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Yundisi Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Yrazaval Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 01-08-1794
Yrazaval Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse military and administrative affairs. 03-07-1793
Yrazabal Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning routine military affairs. 03-04-1793
Ybarra Correspondence between Oca and the governor, reporting on administration of presidio of Nayarit. 04-26-1768
Yguera Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. 00-00-1758
Yndarte Correspondence between Ripperda, Croix, and Bucareli y Ursua depredations. 00-00-1753
Yvanez Correspondence between Ruiz and virrey re: salaries of naval personnel, month of August. 08-19-1778
Yco-Indixle Correspondence between Ugalde and Florez regarding campaign against Apaches and all descriptions and events pertaining to it. 05-18-1789
Ygnacio Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Yribarren Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789
Ybabe Correspondence between Ugarte, Arrizcorreta, and several government officials concerning payment of Ugarte's debt. 05-27-1767
Yandiola Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and Revilla Gigedo concerning Apache raids, and relations between Ugarte and Ugalde. 06-17-1788
