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Person Last Name Document title Date
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas reporting arrival at capital to take possession of governorship; submission of testimonio in care... 03-24-1762
Velez Cachupin Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Valdes Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for religiosos in Nuevo Mexico due to advanced age and illness of those presently serving... 06-28-1762
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: posting of various edicts. 08-26-1762
Velez Cachupin (Virrey) Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: declared war with British; need for supplies. 08-27-1762
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: pacification of cumanches. 08-28-1762
Velez Cachupin Letters from Cachupin, Sena re: peace with cumanches; response from virrey (?) 12-26-1762
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin re: lack of religiosos in missions. 06-18-1763
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin re: posting of edict declaring peace between Spain and England. 09-28-1763
Velez Cachupin Letter from San Juan to virrey re: complaints from people of Amarillas about teniente. Virrey's response. 05-04-1763
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey(?) telling Cachupin to continue with same persistence and efficiency in pacifying cumanches. 07-02-1763
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey (?), virrey's response re: appointment of teniente and Alferez. 04-02-1764
Velarde Letter from Cachupin to virrey (?), virrey's response re: appointment of teniente and Alferez. 04-02-1764
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey(?) to Cachupin giving permission to destroy indians' idols and adoratorios; should report back on results. 11-13-1764
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: formula to be followed in completing libretas de vita y moribus for predidial officers. 11-10-1764
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin, response re: capture of white deer. 04-06-1764
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin re: war with cumanches; Indian turned in to Cachupin on orders of virrey (?) 05-08-1764
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) advising Cachupin to release those imprisoned in case at Santa Cruz. 03-03-1764
Vernal Letter from virrey (?) advising Cachupin to release those imprisoned in case at Santa Cruz. 03-03-1764
Velez Cachupin Letters between virrey Cruillas and Cachupin re: white deer. 05-11-1765
Velez Cachupin Letter to Cachupin from virrey (?) re: reinstatement of Catuya's employment and honors after proving his innocence. He May now visit... 09-29-1765
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas including military roll of cavalleria, libretas de vita y moribus of Madrid and Esquibel review of... 01-02-1766
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: celebration of wedding of Principe de Austurias and his cousin Princesa de Parma with fiesta de... 10-13-1766
Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin re: repopulation of Aviguiu. 09-04-1766
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: commerce in Nuevo Mexico. 01-03-1766
Velez Cachupin Letters to Cachupin from virrey(?) that he has sent autos from case against Naranjo to auditor general; returns testimonio ordering... 09-27-1766
Velez Cachupin Report of Cachupin's visita of El Paso wherein he suggests presidio be moved to Robledo; related letters. 10-24-1766
Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Croix re: gunpowder shipments 01-06-1767
Velez Cachupin Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Vaca Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Velez Gachupin Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning activities of Indians in Santa Fee. 03-17-1767
Velez Cachupin Letter from Gachupin to virrey Croix concerning need of cooperation between presidios for defense. 04-20-1768
Villaberde Letter from Gachupin to virrey Croix concerning need of cooperation between presidios for defense. 04-20-1768
Velez Gachupin Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning military lists of 1769 at Santa Fee. 01-13-1769
Velez Gachupin Letter from Mendinuta to Croix praising Esquibel; contains Esquibel's service record and itemized inspection report of Santa Fee... 12-31-1769
Vano Letter from Mendinuta to Croix. 10-30-1770
Velez Gachupin Letters between Mendinuta and Croix over military rolls and service record of Esquibel. 12-31-1770
Velez de Escalante Letters from Mendinuta concerning justification of mission construction and battle plans. 03-20-1776
Velez Letters between Mendinuta and virrey containing index & summary of correspondence by number. 11-29-1776
Velez Gachupin Letter to governor of New Mexico asking for evaluation of claims against Velez Gachupin when he was governor. 03-19-1777
Valdes Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Vidaurri Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Valle Letters concerning Garcia de Texada's desire for promotion. 01-14-1780
Valdes Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Valenzuela Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Valdes Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Vela Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Villareal Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Velasco Oficios from Cordero and others to virrey concerning Cordero's re-assignment of governorship. 02-08-1779
