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Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugarte Letters and accounts to and from Escorza, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 03-31-1777
Urquidi Letters and accounts to and from Escorza, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 03-31-1777
Ugarte Letters and accounts between Escorza and the real audiencia, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 06-02-1779
Urquidi Letters and accounts between Escorza and the real audiencia, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 06-02-1779
Umaran Letters and accounts between Escorza and the real audiencia, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 06-02-1779
Urquidi Letters and accounts between Escorza and the real audiencia, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 06-02-1779
Urguidi Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 08-12-1772
Ugarte Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Urguizu Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Ugarte Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Ugarte Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Urrea Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Ugarte Loyola Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Urrea Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. 01-16-1771
Urrea Index of documents given to general commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. April 8, 1777. 04-08-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Index of expedientes and other documents directed to Croix. 00-00-0000
Ugter Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and Croix. 06-09-1779
Ugarte Correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning military administration. 09-15-1779
Ugarte y Loyola Minutes of viceroy Bucareli requesting documents about Provincias Internas. 00-00-1737
Ugarte y Loyola Documents regarding military appointments. 01-29-1777
Urrea Documents from viceroy and various officials regarding affairs of Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Documents relating to military and civilian appointments, retirements, Indian attacks within Provincias Internas 05-13-1777
Urrea Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Documents relating to Indian depredations within Provincias Internas. 11-11-1777
Urrea List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Ugarte y Loyola Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Ugarte y Loyola Establishment of peace with mescaleros. 10-15-1787
Ugalde Establishment of peace with mescaleros. 10-15-1787
Ugalde Peace with mescalero Apaches, and violation of that peace by tropas de Coahuila. 02-12-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Peace with mescalero Apaches, and violation of that peace by tropas de Coahuila. 02-12-1787
Ugalde Documents regarding peace with mescaleros. 04-19-1787
Ugalde Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Ugalde Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to king. Three letters to Ugarte y Loyola describing situation of Apaches de paz in Bacoachi and others elsewhere. 04-16-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to king. Three letters to Ugarte y Loyola describing situation of Apaches de paz in Bacoachi and others elsewhere. 04-16-1787
Ugalde Peace with mescaleros. 12-24-1787
Ugarte Loyola Peace with mescaleros. 12-24-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Peace with mescaleros. 12-13-1787
Ugalde Peace with mescaleros. 12-13-1787
Ugalde Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Uranga Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Ugalde Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Ugalde Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Uranga Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Ugalde Letter to virrey Florez of service record. 05-08-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Letter to virrey Florez of service record. 05-08-1788
Ugalde Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. 04-13-1788
