Urrutia |
Mission inspection |
06-11-1705 |
Urrea |
Miscellaneous documents concerning presidios, missions in Sonora. |
02-06-1768 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Minutes of viceroy Bucareli requesting documents about Provincias Internas. |
00-00-1737 |
Urea |
Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for March 1770. |
03-00-1770 |
Urrea |
Minutas de la correspondencia del coronel Domingo Elizondo. |
02-12-1768 |
Ugarte |
Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. |
08-19-1773 |
Ugarte |
Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. |
08-19-1773 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. |
01-08-1760 |
Ugalde |
Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. |
01-08-1760 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. |
10-10-1771 |
Ugalde |
Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. |
10-10-1771 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Military service records of Merino and series of recommendations from high officials that he receive promotion and pay increase; handled by... |
07-15-1782 |
Unzaga |
Military recommendation letters from several capitanes for Escandon's son. |
06-29-1765 |
Uzarraga |
Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. |
12-22-1765 |
Ureta |
Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. July, 1816. |
07-01-1816 |
Uranga |
Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. July, 1816. |
07-01-1816 |
Uribe |
Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. July, 1816. |
07-01-1816 |
Uranga |
Military lists of companias Volantes and presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. October, 1816. |
11-01-1816 |
Ureta |
Military lists of companias Volantes and presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. October, 1816. |
11-01-1816 |
Uranga |
Military lists of companias presidiales, Volantes of Nueva Vizcaya. August, 1816. |
08-01-1816 |
Ureta |
Military lists of companias presidiales, Volantes of Nueva Vizcaya. August, 1816. |
08-01-1816 |
Urive |
Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. |
01-00-1818 |
Uranga |
Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. |
01-00-1818 |
Uribe |
Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. |
01-00-1818 |
Ureta |
Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. |
01-00-1818 |
Uranga |
Military inspections of companias presidiales and Volantes of Nueva Vizcaya. September, 1816. |
10-01-1816 |
Urino |
Military inspections of companias presidiales and Volantes of Nueva Vizcaya. September, 1816. |
10-01-1816 |
Ugalde |
Military correspondence by Ugalde, various concerns. |
04-17-1786 |
Urresti |
Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. |
03-27-1796 |
Urrea |
Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. |
01-16-1771 |
Ulibarri |
Miguel Lozer. Causa criminal de officio de la real justicia contra Gregorio Jaramillo por heridas que dio a Thadeo Romero. |
01-07-1747 |
Uria |
Mexico 24 de octubre de 1777-consequente a lo que por el nuebo reglamento provisional de Californias...; |
02-20-1777 |
Uson |
Mexico 22 de octubre de 1775-consequente alo que por el nuebo reglamento provisional de Californias, aprobado en junta de guerra y real... |
10-22-1775 |
Uria |
Mexico 14 de novembre de 1776.-consequente a lo que por el nuebo reglamento provisional de Californias aprobado en junta |
11-14-1776 |
Uson |
Mexico 14 de novembre de 1776.-consequente a lo que por el nuebo reglamento provisional de Californias aprobado en junta |
11-14-1776 |
Uranga |
Merino, Manuel. Copy of report Uranga about theft of four horses from Apache chief. |
07-19-1791 |
Uranga |
Merino, Manuel. Copy of letter sent to Uranga by the Nava concerning the theft of four horses from Apache chief. |
07-19-1791 |
Urioste |
Melgares, Facundo. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. |
07-01-1820 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Melchor falamantes. Plan to determine western limits of the province of louisiana and Texas. |
03-26-1807 |
Urrutia |
Meeting of junta general de la real hacienda |
01-01-1706 |
Urrutia |
Meeting of junta general |
07-05-1702 |
Urresti |
May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... |
07-09-1782 |
Urresti |
May 18, 1782 Senor: la semana anterior me regrese a esta ciudad, concluido el reconocimiento que en el 6 del proximo pasado di cuenta a... |
04-06-1782 |
Uribarri |
Mascarenas, Francisco. Proceedings in suit against Francisco Mascarenas by Joseph de Reano in behalf of minor Juan Mascarenas. |
01-17-1717 |
Uribarri |
Mascarena, Francisco. Fragment in tax proceedings of soldier Francisco Mascarena. |
04-09-1737 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits lists of goods by Cabello to be given as gifts to the comanches. |
08-12-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting information from Bahia on mestenas tax and wild stock. |
08-13-1787 |
Urrutia |
Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports on steps taken to investigate lipanes. |
12-21-1787 |
Ugalde |
Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports on steps taken to investigate lipanes. |
12-21-1787 |
Ugalde |
Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses financial details of Texas military units. |
11-20-1787 |