Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Umbino Vargas, Diego de. noting arrival of Indian retinue with news. 06-12-1696
Unioste Vargas, Diego de. Execution of sentence. 06-14-1696
Ulibarri Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Uriosette Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Ugarte y Loyola Valdez to Flores/Ugarte y Loyola. Permission for sick to move to better climates. 02-17-1788
Urrutia Urrutia's appointment as teniente letrado y asesor 12-20-1790
Urrutia Urrutia's appointment as teniente letrado y asesor 12-20-1790
Urrutia Urrutia's appointment as teniente letrado y asesor 12-20-1790
Urrea Urrea to Corbalan letter defending altar presidio. 08-23-1771
Urioste Urioste, Juan de. Transfer permit for soldier Juan de Urioste to be stationed at Santa Fe presidio. 11-08-1792
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Travel permit for captain Thomas Ortiz to escort the prisoners Luis Baca and Marcos Sanchez to the comandante... 10-17-1793
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Report from El Paso about Indian activities during a six-month period. 07-29-1789
Ugarte Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Report from El Paso about Indian activities during a six-month period. 07-29-1789
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. notice of receipt of daily journal and general census. 00-00-1787
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that the prisoners Rodriguez and Jaramillo have arrived in El... 10-04-1793
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. El Paso census report. 12-31-1789
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Bando to public announcing appointment of Fernando Chacon as new governor of New Mexico. 07-31-1794
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Transmittal of military diary of enemy activities... 03-01-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Report on peace relations with the Apaches. 02-20-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Report on Apache's quarrel over stolen... 08-09-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of trip to Chiguagua with three Apaches on... 05-18-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of transmittal of military diary from... 08-09-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Acknowledgement of receipt of Concha's... 08-19-1790
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (lieutenant governor of El Paso) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Request for advice on eclesiastical... 01-20-1790
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Transmittal of diary of events in jurisdiction of El... 08-20-1790
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Report of forwarding official mail to Chihuahua. 08-09-1791
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios... 09-20-1790
Uranga Uranga, Francisco Javier de. Request to governor for order to return a mule to Lorenzo Fuentes. 05-20-1793
Uranga Uranga requests retirement from compania Volante de San Carlos. 08-04-1814
Ugarte y Loyola Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Ugalde Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. 00-00-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Ugalde Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Ugarte y Loyola Unfoliated letters written by Vaamonde and virrey Conde to each other during second half of 1790 the first beginning with, en oficio de 12... 06-03-1790
Urdenois Underschidlicher schreiben (letters from missionaries). 00-00-1620
Uter Una breve noticia de pueblos y padres que pueden ayvoar a la provincia. None Given
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jocabo to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the incomes of vacant curacies. 07-22-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, jacovo to Maldonado, Joseph. Discussion of stipends due missionaries. 01-23-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Transmittal of letter from priest. 06-26-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Transmission of a royal cedula excluding ecclesiastical judges from the temporal aspects of divorce suits. 09-12-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Transmission of a bando reinforcing a prohibition against gambling. 09-10-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Request for permission for padre Josef Carral to leave New Mexico to seek medical attention. 11-19-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Report of activities of the Apaches de sur del rio. 07-21-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. notice of the publication of previous bando (July 2, 1790) concerning travel in the provinces. 07-02-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Navajo auxiliaries defense, extraordinary Indian leader. 11-12-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Lack of priests, request for correction of problem. 11-10-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Indian prisoners discussed. 11-20-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. explains what information should be included in the reports on extraordinary expenses. 05-06-1789
