Urias |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. |
11-30-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Echeagaray and viceroy |
12-07-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Echeagaray and viceroy concerning Indian raids in Sonora. |
10-30-1789 |
Ubina |
Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. |
08-21-1768 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. |
08-21-1768 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. |
08-00-1767 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Fueros, Gomes and other government officials concerning Gomes request for pension. |
00-11-1777 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla. |
00-00-1771 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Garcia, Ugalde and other government officials concerning unpaid weapons in Coahuila. |
11-29-1777 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Garcia, Ugalde and other government officials concerning unpaid weapons in Coahuila. |
11-29-1777 |
Urava |
Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. |
12-31-1792 |
Uribe |
Correspondence between gobernador, virrey and la Fuente regarding various military procedural matters in sparse detail. |
10-19-1796 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Nava and other government officials concerning punishing soldiers by transferring them. |
10-06-1790 |
Urrutia |
Correspondence between governor Castro and the viceroy. |
08-09-1791 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning Indian incursions and military actions |
03-23-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. |
10-08-1787 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. |
10-08-1787 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 |
05-21-1775 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 |
05-21-1775 |
Urrutia |
Correspondence between governor Sandoval and viceroy Acuna concerning military desobedience and rebellion. |
12-06-1735 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning military campaigns against Apaches. |
08-30-1790 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning travel route to New Mexico. |
08-30-1790 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. |
09-26-1790 |
Urrea |
Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and Urrea concerning return of more fugitive Seris to Pitic. |
12-06-1790 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Lasaga and the viceroy regarding resignation of the former due to urgent need to take care of personal business.... |
04-29-1787 |
Urizar |
Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. |
02-25-1782 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. |
02-24-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. |
02-24-1788 |
Uranga |
Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. |
02-24-1788 |
Ugartechea |
Correspondence between Lopez and Elguezabal concerning campaign against lipanes. |
03-10-1816 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Lorca and the viceroy regarding Lorca's application for a new post within the government of either Mexico,... |
02-07-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy in regard to various military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas de Poniente. |
11-01-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. |
08-06-1788 |
Uoya |
Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. |
08-06-1788 |
Ugarte |
Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. |
08-06-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: accounting for number of enemies killed. |
03-19-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: arrival in Chihuahua of Gonzales and 23 chiricahuas to be employed in future military... |
04-24-1789 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: arrival in Chihuahua of Gonzales and 23 chiricahuas to be employed in future military... |
04-24-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: Cordero's campaign in sierra del Sacramento. Mentions submission of diary, but... |
09-25-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. |
06-17-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: state of war with Indians in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora and Nuevo Mexico. |
05-28-1789 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: state of war with Indians in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora and Nuevo Mexico. |
05-28-1789 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola and Virreynato regarding various military, financial and administrative matters. |
05-02-1786 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Loyola, Rengel and virreynato concerning various replacements for officers and administrative matters. |
03-11-1786 |
Ullate |
Correspondence between Loyola, Rengel and virreynato concerning various replacements for officers and administrative matters. |
03-11-1786 |
Ugalde |
Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions. |
00-00-1781 |
Urava |
Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 |
02-04-1791 |
Ugarte y Loyola |
Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 |
02-04-1791 |